Page 185 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 185

Frorn atop the building  looking towards the Pottery area'
      Binh Tien Bridge connecting Binh Dong with Cholon was clearly seen
      with its curved frarne. Two Rangers in firing position  on the roof and
      arrned with M. 79 grenade launchers airning downwards  were ready to
      cover by fire  both ends of the bridge' Frorn tirne to tirne, M.79 gre-
      nades were launched  into the oPPosite buildings through  the windows
      for fear of hostile B.40rS.
                      At the sarne tirne the Ranger advance guard continued to
      close with the enerny.  Individual  and crew served weapons were firing
      ceaselessly. Bullets crisscrossed and sorne flew in the wrong direction
      towards the building rnaking hissing and whipping  sounds, The NLF'
      {lag kept on flying over the Pottery  area.
                      Requested artitlery  fire  continued  to pound regularly the
      Pottery area with two rounds at a tirne.  Cloudg of srnoke and flarnes
      rose high in the sky following the explosions.  At 1300 hours gunships
      carne in to strike the area. The enerny held the {ar end of the bridge
      and our troops the near end. They all occupied dominating  buildings'
      The gunships struck by rnistake friendly          Positions.

                       At 1500 hours, the firing  calrned down on both sides.
                       At 1600 hours the Major, cornrnanding  o{ficer of the 35th
      Ranger Battalion,flew over the enerny battle area to observe  and esti-
       rnate the situation. His plane was fired at frorn the ground. The artil-
       lery kept on firing while the blaze continued to expand with huge colurnns
       of llarnes burning rows of houses I  krn long along the creek flowing
       under Renault Bridge, The city firernen  had battled  the fire  since 1500
       hours but rernained  irnPotent in face of the gigantic whirling  colurnns
       o{ flarnes.
                         At 1900 hours the 3rd Ranger Cornpany was ordered to
       cross Renault bridge. The enerny returned fire violently forcing  the
       Rangers to pull back to the near end of the bridge' At 1920 hours they
       tried to assault for the second tirne while rnassing  al1 fires  on the
       opposite  end of the bridge. This tirne they were successful'

                       Battalion  C-ornrnander  Ho Van Hoa ordered the NLF flag
       torn down 3 Rangers  cornrnanded by Aspirant Pharn Minh Hoang car-
       ried out the rnis sion.

                       Under the light o{ flares and flarnes of the burning houses,
       the 4 Rangers crePt to the foot of the larnppost.  One of thern clirnbed
       up and was about to reach the flag when he was hit and fell down to the

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