Page 187 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 187

cornrnanded by Captain Nguyen Van Dinh, Before opening up with srnall
       arrns fire,  they had bornbarded this unit violently with five 8Zrnrn rnor-
       tars.  They assaulted  4 tirnes but failed to break through the Airborne
       line,  Captain Dinh disclosed that the enerny firepower v/as very power-
       {u1 and consisted of rnachine gqns, autornatic rifles  and also of B.40rs
       By 7 orclock in the rnorning the enerny withdrew. The 5th cornpany
       rushed forward over the line to conduct  a rnop up operation 7 crew ser-
       ved and l7 individuaL weapons were captured. The 70 VC killed were
       left behind on the battlefield.

                       The 5th Airborne Battalion was reinforced with the 7th
       and the lst Airborne Battalions to conduct a pursuit  operation. The
       battle raged throughout  the second day at Tan Thoi Hiep with the parti-
       cipation of tactical air and arrnored personnel carriers  in support  of
       friendly forces.
                       The battle was of such significance that if the Airborne
       defensive line had been broken through, the enerny could have penetra-
       ted through Xorn Moi into the Capital along the sarne axis of advance
       they had used during Tet.

                       On the second day, l3!  VC were killed,  5 were captured
       and 1t B.40,  6 heavy rnachine guns, 52 individual weapons of aI1 kinds
       confiscated.  On our side there were Z1 killed and 52 wounded.

                       Major General  Du Quoc Dong, the Airborne Diwision
       cornrnander  was always present on the battlefield and was eager to see
       all enerny units destroyed without  leaving thern any chance to escape.
                       General Cao Van Vien, Chief of the Joint General  Staff
       RVN Arrned Forces also carne to inspect the {ront while the battle was
       stil1 raging. He observed the {ighting in progress frorn the roof floor
       of the Thien Huong Glutarnic Acid Factory only 500rn frorn the frontlinq

                       On the third day, the fighting  took place around Giac Hoa
       Pagoda, 400rn Irorn the Glutarnic Acid Factory where it was reported
       that the enerny had set up strong defensive positions,

                       Tactical aircraft,  skyraiders  and jet fighters  F.105,
       durnped tons of bornbs  onto the targets. Following  the air  strikes
       in{antryrnen and arrnored personnel carriers in a cornbined  action
       rushed forward onto the battlefield taking up position in the rnany
       ditches and open gardens,  The surrounded  enerny force still  tried to
       resist in an atternpt to fight its way out. But the encirclernent  ring was
       drawn tighter and tighter,  On May 1Oth about nightfall the artillery

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