Page 184 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 184

launched  a new thrust and atternpted to cross Binh Tien Bridge on May
      8th at 0200 hours.
                      The enerny force in execution of this action into the flank
      of Cholon was about 200 strong. Refugees  flocked away but they were
      halted on the bridge because if they were allowed to rnove in throngs'
      the police would not be able to control thern. The police fcrces posi-
      tioned in the buildings  rolled ernpty drurns onto the  streets and set
      up barricades to contain the flow of refugees.  Suddenly another enerny
      force rnade its  appearance  frorn Hau Giang, Minh Phung Streets  to
      establish a bridgehead {or another force on the other side to cross over
      and frorn there to rnove ahead along Hau Giang Street in an attempt  to
      seize Cholon.

                      An NLF flag was hung atop a larnppost in front of  Quoc
      Viet School and another one at the end of the bridge. The Police force
      advanced  to seize this crossroads.  One policernan while trying to bring
      a flag down was seriously wounded.
                       Lieutenant  Colonel Le Ngoc Tru,  Chief of the 5th Police
      Precinct carne with reinforcernents.  At the sarne tirne, about 7 orclock
      in the rnorning, the 35th Ranger Battalion  also arrived to reinforce.
      The Battalion  was split into 2 colurnns; I  cornpany departing frorn Luc
      Tinh Street to advance along both sides of the streets to capture the
      Binh Tay Distillery  and the rernaining force to rnove to Binh Tien
      B ridg e.
                       2 arrnored vehicles led the infantryrnen for an assault on
      the bridge. The enerny opened up r.'ith 8.40 fire which failed to hit the
      attackers. The arrnored vehicles  returned fire  and destroyed  one
      arnbush force and then withdrew to take blocking positions  on Hau
      Giang, Minh Phung Streets.
                       The Rangers  assaulted  and swept clear all the VC posi-
      tioned there, killing about l0 and capturing 4. The bridgehead  set up
      the night before was at last destroyed.
                       At l1 otclock, the enerny pfessure decreased rapidly.
      They were driven to Bai Say area, Narn A Tedile Plant, the Pottery
      and to the end of Pharn Phu Thu Street,
                       The Operational Cornrnand Post of the 35th Ranger  Batta-
      lion was located  atop a building,  N"239. Hau Giang Street for better
      view of the battle field.  Present  on the roof was Captain Dau, 35th
      Ranger Battalion assistant-cornrnander directing the operation in

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