Page 179 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 179

The fight irnrnediately began with Viet Cong shooting {rorn
      high buildings  preventing a speedy advance of the governrnent  soldier
      While the fight expanded  and grew rnore intense the local population  did
      their best to leave the battle zone.
                       The 3 5th Ranger Battalion, reinforced by a M. 4l tank
      squadron, irnrnediately  started to fire  76rnm cannons at Viet Cong posi'
      tions on Minh Phung Street which ground forces tried to assault in the
      following rninutes. Strong enerny resistance was to bring about an
      intervention of helicopter gunships that by rnid-afternoon were joined
      by four skyraiders,  but the enerny continued  to resist'  Two anti-air-
      cxaft batteries rnade the task of allied        Pilots  rnuch rnore difficult.
                       Again a fire  started spreading frorn Minh Phung Street
      which firernen faiLed to put out because of the enernyrs  devastating fire-
      power that did not even spare the red-helmeted troops. lVhole sections
      in the area were thus destroyed.

                       In the evening enerrlv trooPs returned to Governrnent con-
      trolled areas. Sorne of thern even went so far as to corne to the houses
       o{ civil  servants and rnilitary personnel  and asked to see the occupants'
      Apparently they were helped by inforrners since they often knew the
       residents  by narrre. And in rnore than one case' the governrnent ernPlo-
       yees were rnurdered before they even knew who their uninvited visitors

                       By 0200 hours of 8 May enerny troops-again penetrated
       the Binh Tien Bridge area causing the  3 5th Ranger Battal'ion to be
       irnrnediately  dispatched there as reinforcernents'  A fierce clash irn-
       rnediately developed that resulted in the intervention of three gunships
       discharging their rockets on VC positions in the glaring afternoon
                       On Luc Tinh and Phu Tho Boulevards a group o{ uS tanks
       in conjunctior'  with the Rangers were advancing towards the targets  on
       a VC body littered path. Still,  the enerny trooPs resisted by concentra-
       ting their firepower  on the advancing  troops' Firemen  carne oehind
       the soldiers but they again were unable to put out the rnany fires that
       had been started in this area.
                       On two four-storied buildings  on Minh Phung Boulevard'
       enerny antiaircraft and other big guns were located, frorn where the
       insurgents tried to stoP the allied advance. A 75mrn recoiless rifle

       was also there to stop the rnoving tanks'

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