Page 175 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 175

On the other side of the airport the organic  defense force
      of the airbase occupied a line going frorn the Tornb of Bishop Adran to
      the Paratroops  Camp of Hoang Hoa Tharn on Le Van Duyet and Nguyen
      Van Thoai Street. There were sorne Arnerican trooPs standing guard
      at various US installations. Along this line facing the cernetery  there
      was a platoon of Korean soldiers keeping a watch frorn the Korean
      Radio Station they were assigned  to defend. The cornmunistg were
      locked in a tight noose.
                       To cornplete the noose Skyraider  fighter bornbers arrived
      at 0830 hours to pound suspected VC positions in the cernetery.  At
      about noon the Seventh Airborne Battalion under Major Nguyen Van Ngoc
      arrived frorn Bien Hoa to attack the enerny. The crack airborne troops
      irnrnediately  assaulted the enerny position within sight o{ an admiring
      public cornposed of Iocal residents  and journalists frorn many nations.

                       The assault carne to a quick end resulting in 60 cornrnunist
      dead, 11 captured, and 30 weapons confiscated.  Included in this booty
      was a ?5rnrn recoiless rifle  which the enerny had fortunately not used.
      It was also fortunate that cornrnunist troops had {ailed to occuPy the big
      Quoc Gia Nghia Tu School {rorn where they could have created rnany
      difficulties  for the c ount e rattacking  troops.

                       In this battle over 100 civilian houses on Le Van Duyet
      Street were destroyed. The Sheli Gas Station at the Bay Hien Intersec-
      tion also was set afire but the fire was put out by a big storrn one of
      the rnany in that season.
                       According  to Viet Cong prisoners the enerrry unit was an
       elernent oi t:he ZTZnd Regirnent  (CT. 9 Oivision) with the task of pene-
      trating this area for an all out attack on the Tan Son Nhut Airbase and
      the nearby  Hoang Hoa Tham Carnp of the Airborne Division.  They,
      however, carrre too late for a surprise attack. Those that reached the
      French cernetery were cornpletely destroyed while the others took to
      their heels in the direction  of Phu Tho Hoa.
                       Although the battle ended in the afternoon rf 6 May, it
      was to take the governrnent troops another  day to end all comrnunist
       resistance  in this area, especiall)i that of sorne Viet Cong who had
      taken refuge in the pilot farrn of the Ministry  of Agriculture'  Traffic
       on Nguyen Van Thoai Street was back to norrrral  on 8 May.

                       I-bs-  Eellle-eg  Ejlh-Ebsl  (S-tz uay) : The battle in this
       area started at about 0400 hours when a Z0 rnan Viet Cong force rnade
       its appearance on Binh Thoi road in an atternpt to attack the Cau Tre

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