Page 176 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 176

Police Station. As they were preparing  for the task, a police riot unit
       arrived on the scene and a hand-to-hand  fight ensued that resulted in
       the death of four cornrnunists  and the capture of another two. The ene-
       rny withdrew in the direction of Rrad 46.

                       knrnediately  an operation  was ordered that at once resul_
       ted in heavy contact with the enerny when the operating troops approach-
       ed  the leather factory  o{ Phu Tho. The operating troops included the
       33rd Ranger Battalion, the Fifth Reconnaissance  Cornpany, and an
       armored group but this strong force could not advance in the face o{
       deterrnined resistance  frorn the enerny. A ternporary  halt was ordered
       and airstrikes $/ere ca1led in to support the ground fighters.

                       The situation appeared to deteriorate the fcllowing day
       for in spite of air intervention and flares illurninating the sk), through-
       out the night rnore enerny troops calrre in.  On 5 May,  enerny txoops
       appeared  practically  everywhere in the Phu Tho and Road 45 areas.
       Meeting with the press on that day, Police Chief Major Nguyen Dinh
       Lan of the Sixth Precinct told journalists that the cornrnunist pressure
       against his area had grown rnore intense.

                       After  50 hours of fighting, the cornrnunist battle strength
       here had increased rnany times substantiating  the theory that they
       again wanted to penetrate  the Sixth Precinct, frorn where they could
       easily reach the Fi{th Precinct  and enter the downtown section  o{
       Saigon. Like during the      rrTetrt   attack this cornrnunist  atternpt was to
       be blocked at Road 46.

                       That night, however, many srnall groups of Viet Cong
       crossed Minh Phung Street and killed Colonel Darn Van euy when he
      was on his way to inspect some police units near the Duy Linh                plaza.
       Frorn a high building bordering  on the street Viet Cong gunners hit the
       colonelrs jeep with two rockets that turned the vehicle upside down.
       Colonel  Quy was {ound to be kil1ed by an AK.47 bullet.

                       Meanwhile, in order to block the Viet Cong infiltration
       rnovement, an elernent of the US Ninth Infantry Division had, been dis-
      patched to Binh Thoi where it  clashed with the enerny and inflicted on
      him heavy casualties. A few houfs later the enerny intensified his
       effort to send rnore rnen to the Duy Linh Plaza at the end o{ Tran euoc
      Toan Boulevard. This was to bring about the intervention of the 35th
      Ranger Battalion  under Major Ho Van Hoa and a local police force.

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