Page 180 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 180

At rnidnight a platoon of Rangers assaulted one of the VC
        .:ccupied buildings  by clirnbing up the gutters. This surprise  attack
        rnade governrnent  soldiers the rnasters of a few neighboring  houses on
       the le{t side of Minh Phung Boulevard.

                        Irnrnediately after discovering the VC rnachinegun  positl.on,
       the Rangers o{ the Fourth Cornpany pushed in frorn two directions one
        of which was intended  to deceive enerrly gunners.  The Viet Cong fe1l for
       the deception and directed their fire in one direction  leaving Ranger
        elernents practically {ree access to their target. A nurnber of well-
        directed M. 79 grenades irnrnediately  silenced the two rnachineguns but
       the 75rnrn cannon site was stil] untouched.

               continued  fiercely all day. The {ollowing day
        governrnent troops cut the area into many srnaller  sections to facilitate
       the elirnination of the cornrnunist intruders and the reduction of their
        resistance points. While the Rangers had the houses on the right side
        under control, the cornrnunists kept to the buildings on the le{t side. A
        seesaw battle ensued with enerny and friendly troops trying to get con-
       trol  over each inch of land.
                        Frorn a high building, a witness reported three anti-air-
        craft rnachineguns  and many other weapons lying near charred Viet
        Cong bodies.  Not far frorn there was an enerny occupied building which
        ground assaults had failed to secure. Air  strikes again were called in.
        The battle grew rrrore intense with governrnent troops and enerrry soI-
        diers fighting for each house and running after one another in the street.
                        According to the cornrnander of the 38th Ranger Battalion,
        the Viet Cong had dug holes in walls separating the civilian houses  so
        that they could rnove around unobserved, Many bunkers were also rnade
        to help protect thern frorn aerial attacks. Frorn occupied buildings they
        practically isolated by their intense fire a group o{ governrnent soldiers
        assaulting the house that harbored  the 7 5rnrn gun. The governrnent
        troops carried the day and captured the house. In this attack the govern-
        rnent troops killed six cornrnunists and recorded  ten wounded.
                        As the day rnoved on the fighting grew even rnore intense
        with the enerny trying to block all the alleys in the area with intense
        firepower.  The situation grew hotter with each passing rninute and the
        Rangers finally were only able to rnove frorrr one house to the next by
        digging their way around.
                        Governrnent  troops also carne across irnrnense difficulties
        trying to evacuate the 75rnrn cannon they had just captured.  A GMC was

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