Page 182 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 182

The cornrnunists who were elernents of the Z67th BattaIiol,
         had the advantage of natural obstacles. They also had prepared {or the
         battle. HaIf an hour afterwards  the Rangers again had to call in air-
         power which carne in the forrn of four helicopter gunships and four jets.

                         At 2000 hours after the target area had been saturated
        with bullets and bornbs, the ground troops again went in.  Although ha-
         ving suffered rnuch frorn the raids,  the enerny was still  quite strong
         and resisting  vigorously. But at the approach of rnidnight governrrr.ent
         soldiers gained fu11 control over the area.

                         Taking part in this battle was a cornpany of the Viet Cong
         Z67th Battalion the rernnant  of which took to their heels in the direction
         of Phu Tho Hoa.
                         On the rnorning May lZth, the Rangers  conducted a search
        operation in Binh Thoi. This battle actually carrre to an end during the
         day without firing  a shot.

                         The results of the attack on the cernetery  were as follows :
        26 Y. C. were killed by body count.This di.d not include a nurnber of
         corpses torn to pieces or charred in the paddies.  Captured  equiprnent
        included  5 AK.47,one 6Ororn rnortar,  and a quantity of signal iterns Z V.
         C. were also taken prisoner. The weapons as cornpared  to the VC
        killed in action were relatively few because rnany other weapons rnight
        have been thrown  i.nto the abundant strearns in the battle area.
                         The battle clairned Z Rangers killed and 5 lightly wounded.
        The Ox stable area, the Market Garden at Rural Road I4,  Binh Thoi
        Barnboo Bridge Sub-precinct were totally devastated. Houses burned
        down because rnost of thern in the suburbs were rnade of palrrr leaves.

                         At enerny cornbat positions, dug-outs were {ull of straw
        to cover the {loor for the troops to sit on without getting wet. Enerny
        fox-holes were dug under gourd  arbors. Trench slits were neck deep
        in water. When friendly aircraft flew over the VC would dive into the
        water to take cover. Their battle area was about 4 square kilorneters.

       The battle of Binh Tien
                                    (Frorn May 8th to May 9th,1958)

                         Lf+^-  rnore than Z days and nights of failure in trying to
        push through Road 46 and Xorn Dat Street into Cholon, the Cornrnunists

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