Page 181 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 181

brought over but one o{ its tires was flat.  Another cornrrrunist crew
       served weapon  also lay in the waY.
                       Frorn a rnultistoried  building the Viet Cong continued
       their fire.  A tank was called in that blew up the house in a rnatter of a
       second sending pieces and bits of Viet Cong flesh all around- But when
       sorrre governrnent  soldiers tried to go in for the scattered weapons
       enerny fire quickly drove thern off. Finally,  in order to get the 7 5rnrn
       gun four of the strongest soldiers were dispatched  while a1l the fire-
       power that could be rnustered was called onto the suspected Viet Cong

                       The Minh Phung front by that tirne had grown into a sea
       of fire  frorn which enerny soldiers could not get away. But knowing
       they were now trapped, the cornrnunists  resisted with the furor of rnen
       knowing they were to die. While airplanes and artillery  continued  their
       pounding of the target area, governrnent  soldiers rnoved i.n three
       colurnns against the intruders. The Minh Phung front was pronounced
       secure at Z03O hours o{ 10 May.
                       Following  the battle it was deterrnined that the Viet Cong
       su{fered  at least 30 dead in this area although real cornrnunist  casual-
       ties rnay be rnuch higher. Sorne were taken prisoners who declared
       they had belonged to the Z67th battalion.
                       In this last decisive battle Governrnent Rangers  captured
       one 7 5rnrn recoiless rifle,  two East Gerrnan rnachineguns  ,  two Chi.nese
       subrnachine grtn s, two anti-aircraft  guns, one B,41 and one B. 40 rocket
       launchers, one AK.47 autornatic rifle,  lZ AK. 50 rifles,  and a large
       quantity of arnrnunition, Most interesting was the capture of a flag
       with the following words inscribed on it,         'rlVe   are deterrnined  to defeat
       the Arnerican  Piratesr    r.

                       The Minh Phung front had just been terrninated when the
       38th Ranger Battalion was rnoved to Binh Thoi. The troops arrived
       there by I600 hours and irnrnediately were inforrned  by the people
       that the insurgents  had arrived at the Phu Tho Hoa cernetery.
                       The Rangers  irnrnediately  pushed on in two colurnns with
       the First  Cornpany  trying to overtake the enerny frorn a southern direc-
       tion while the Second Cornpany assaulting the enerny in a frontal attack'
       Intense  enerny fire  prevented the Second Cornpany frorn rnarching in
       and the second colurnn of Ranger  was also blocked in its infiltration


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