Page 186 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 186

ground. Friendly troops then opened fired intensely with autornatic  rifles
       at the buildings where enerny snipers were supposed to be shooting frorn.
       The flag pole was cut down by fire  and the flag went down slowly with it.

                       After this action, the 3rd Ranger  Cornpany continuedto ad-
       vance deep into the enerny battle area, passing over barricades rnade
       of furniture of all sorts. The operational force encircled  the Tan Binh
       Theater used by the enerny as a cornrnand post the night before. To
       seize this objective,  the Rangers had to crawl over several  roo{s before
       reaching the side door of the theater.

                       The enerny opened fire  and killed two of the attackers who
       at last had succeeded in penetrating into the building, The attackers
       were able to seize the building after engaging in a violent firefight for
       about one hour. The Rangers  rernained in the building  on the defensive
       during the night.
                       The 4th Ranger Cornpany, in particular,  had relieved  the
       pressure at the Binh Tay Distillery  before 1100 hours without rneeting
       any strong re si stanc e.
                       On May 9th at 0830h", Captain Dau, the assistant battalion
       cornrnander led two cornpanies  across Renault Bridge deep into Binh
       Tien, Nguyen Van Chi, Van Than Streets to keep the situation under
       control and to continue driving the enerny towards  Cau Kinh Bridge. No
       rnore contact was rnade because  enerny troops had withdrawn  during
       the night. At I030h. the operation  was considered  finished.

                       The first  sight of the battlefield at Binh Tien revealed
       thousands of houses  burned down, larnpposts lying on the ground and
       furniture of all sorts spread al1 over the streets. The results of the
       battle were; 32 VC ki1led, 15 captured  and a war trophy of 6 AK,  I
       carbine and I  pi stol.

      The battle of Tan Thoi Hiep
                                     (Frorn May 8th to May I tth, 1968)
                       In execution o{ the plan of attack on the Capital, on the
       night of May 8th and early rnorning of May 9th, the 101st Regirnent,
       9th VC Division intended  to infiltrate  into the city through Tan-Thoi-
       Hiep. This move was blunted by the 5th Airborne Battalion  on the
       outskirts of the c ity.

                       About the rnorning,  enerny troops rnoved close
       to the Airborne defensive line. At first,  they attacked the 5th company

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