Page 188 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 188

fired" a srnoke screen  close to the enerny defensive  line to cover the
       final assault wave. The final assault  was driven back although enerny
       corpses were seen piled up on the edges of fox holes and trench s1its,
                       At night, our troops kept on tightening the encircling  ring.
      Arrned AC 47ts continued strafing and the artillery  pounded the enerny
       positions  regularly.

                       On May I lth by noon the battle actually carrre to an end,
       The total results showed that the Airborne  units had killed 3Z VC,
       captured  9 and taken 2l  crew served  and 96 individual weapons.  The
       5th Airborne Battalion lost 50 killed,  I80 wounded and 1 rnissing in
      action. After I4 years o{ activation  it was the first  tirne the 5th Air-
      borne Battalion  had encountered a deserved foe narnely,  the 1Oth VC
      Regirnent which was considered  as          rrhors  de cornbatrr in their atternpt
      to penetrate into the Capital.

      The battle of Y bridge
                                  (F rorn May 9th to May I2th,l!58)

                       A rather large enerny force had infiltrated into the south-
       ern area of Saigon and threatened Y-Bridge area to include Pharn The
      Hien, Au Duong Lan: Streets and the area of Khanh Hoi at the other end
       of Tan T huan Bridge.

                       On the rnorning May 9th when the enerny rnade their appea-
       rance in the above areas, refugees frorn Khanh Hoi and the other end
      of Y-Bridge fled in throngs into the City, On Wednesday May 9th, US
      tanks rnowed to take positions at both ends of Tan Thuan Bridge. The
      road going down to Phu Xuan and Nha Be rras still  open to traffic,  US
      tanks were also 6cattered in the Cau Hang area where rnany clashes
      took place on Wednesday starting rnany fires.  On Ton That Thuyet
      Street along the canal the Marines of         lhe  Ist Marine Battalion  held
      sentry post6 along the Etreet and aleo in the surrounding areas.
                       The situation  on the other side of Y-Bridge (8th erecinct)
      by 1600 hours suddenly becarne critical.  It appeared  that the advance
      elernents  o{ the Znd Phu Loi Battalion  and the 5th Nha Be Battalion had
      infiltrated into the densely populated areas. They intended  to crosg
       Y-Bridge.  A violent engagernent occurred at the {oot of Y-Bridge
      because it wae the first  tirne US forces participated in the fightlng.
      With air  support the US tanks followed by US infantryrnen  crossed  the
      bridge at nightfall on May 9th.  The VC had previouely seized the hutg
      close to the pier of the bridge to use as a foothold to crogs the bridge.

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