Page 171 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 171

Private  Znd Class Nguyen Van Thanh succeeded in capturing a rnortar
      tube. This did not halt cornrnunist resistance  since at 1100 hours the
      enerny continued to rnortar the radio station and rnany nearby installa-
      tions. The Service o{ Thi Nghe and a gas station nearby were
      hit and began to burn.

                      In the rneantirne sorrre cornrnunists tried to penetrate the
      section  of Thi Nghe near: the O1d Peoplers  Housewhich resultedin sorne
      fighting in the area. By night fall cakn again prevailed with the  corn-
      rnunist withdrawing  to the Old Peoplers Horne. The following dayhouses
      continued to burn in Thi  Nghe and the c ivilian' population  continued to
      try to get out.
                      By 0700 hours that rnorning a Marine  cornpany under Cap-
      tain Phan Van Tan received the order to rnount a final assault on the
      Old Peoplers Horne. The fight quickly grew in intensity causing  sorne
      additional fires and requiring rnore fire fighting equiprnent.  In  repor-
      ting about the si.tuation Major Phan Van Thang stated that by the third
      day of the Thi Nghe battle the enerny had about a platoon left in the Old
      Peoplers Horne area,

                      Since Thi Nghe is basically a shanty town divided  by
      narrow and winding al1eys, the governrnent  soldiers had a rnost diffi-
      cult task dislodging the intruders. Moreover, the enerny rnade the task
      rnore difficult by resorting to guerrilla tactics that take considerable
      patience and tirne to defeat.
                      By I000 hours the Marines  had the area under control.
      The rernaining Viet Cong were cornpletely surrounded.  The fighting
      continued  until past noon resulting in ten enerny soldiers killed,  three
      taken prisoners,  and I5 weapons confiscated.

                      In surnrnary,  the enerny Io st 27 dead, 20 taken prisoners
      including  several women cadre,  38 weapons of all kinds confiscated.
      Most rernarkable was the uniforrn of enerry troops who wore shirts
      sirnilar to those of the paratroops.  Wornen cadre wore blue jeans. On
      the governrnent  side there were seven killed  and two weapons lost. At
      least 100 civilian houses burned.
                      Sorne o{ the Viet Cong who succeeded in withdrawing
      frorn Thi Nghe were to rneet with governrnent  Marines in the area of
      the Binh Loi Bridge. They apparently had wanted to cross the Saigon
      river  and take refuge at the Trung Harnlet of the Binh Trung Village
      sorne 500 yards frorn Cat Lai.  But the enerny unit was caught by the
      Marines who ki1led eleven cornrnunists  and captured nine of their weapons.

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