Page 166 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 166

was thus destroyed  in a few days.

        Some      phase ll battles

                        The Thi Nshe Battle  (5 -7 Mav): Fighting started in  Thi
        Nghe when a brick carrying truck discharged  its load of Viet Cong sol-
        diers during the early hours of May 5 near the Phan Thanh Gianbridge
        The intruders irnrnediately tried to blow up a sentry post nearby with
        their B.40 individual rocket launchers.
                        Following  the first  attack the Viet Cong penetrated the
        populous end of Tu Duc Street and occupied most buildings there. They
        then calted in reinforcernents.  This initial  attack took place at  0300
        hours with the participation  of a company eire force.It was later iden-
        tified as Cornpany C. Z of the Phu Loi {irst  Battalion.

                        The governrnent trooPs had one cornpany of Navy rnen on
        the Phan Thanh Gian Bridge, Corporal Larn Van Mao reacted quickly
        to the Viet Cong presence but the Naval force was too weak to prevent
        the enerny frorn continuing his advance.
                        At 0415 hours a cornbined  force of South Vietnarnese  Ma-
        rines (the Fifth Marine Battalion)  and riot police arrived and prepared
        to attack the VC occupied area. The enqrny had had tirne to prepare for
        counteracting against the advancing goternrnent  soldiers. Frorn  buil-
        d.ings on both sideE of the street the      jntruders    directed their rnachine-
        guns at the Marines  and Riot policemen.

                        The battle began with the cornrnunists  trying  to  expand
        their areas to include the radio station and political warfare cornpound
        nearby. They were unable to do this.  Meanwhile, they had blown up
        part of the Phan Thanh Gian bridge and sorne houses in the vicinity
        and wounded  ten persons, In spite o{ the darnaged  bridge tra{fic wae
        sti1l able to cross.

                        At about the sarne tirne another Yiet Cong group tried to
        overrun the resource control  Post            near the highway but policernen
        standing guard there reacted quickly killing one of the intruders  and
        capturing three others along with sorne weaPona.
                         In the rnorning of the {ifth day in May the sitretion in that
        part of the city was one of utrnost confusion. While  pollce tried  to
        prevent the people frorn rnoving around explosions  could be heard in
        ihe direction of the Thanh Tarn poultry farrn.Fire engines wailed their
        way to the New Port which had just been hit by rnortar fire'  In the

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