Page 163 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 163

During all this period enerny gunners shelled the city
      every night but the intensity of these aerial attacks  was reduced after
      18 June. Atter the last attack on Tan Son Nhut Airpcrt  during the night
      of 21 June cornrnunist  gunners cornpletely  stopped these attacks on the
      c ity.

      Reasons for V.C. failure
                       On the basis of battles recorded in the initial  days it  is
      envisioned that the enerny had wanted to open two fronts.

                       The first  front was to have been located in the areas of
      the Binh Loi Bridge, the Highway bridge, the Thi Nghe Suburb, and
      would have given the cornrnunist control over the northeastern part of
      Saigon, including the downtown  section  o{ Gia Dinh and the radio and
      television centers. The enerny apparently  had assigned a division size
      force {or this area which included  the Dong Nai Regirnent,  the Z7 4th
       Regirnent,  Battalion  Di An Three and Battalion Thu Duc Four.
                       When the attack began the intruders rnet with failures
       after failures.  They failed  to overcorne South Yietnarnese resistance
       at the Binh Loi and Highways bridges. Their recorded heavy losses
       in their first  battle put thern in a rnost difficult  situation.  Although
       they were rnore successful at the  Highway bridge by slightly darna-
       ging it  they still  were not able to block the hlghly rnobile governrnent
       forces which were  able to quickly and easily arrive at the Hang Xanh
       and New Port areas, thus defeating the enernyrs  Plan            to occupy  Down-
       town Gia Dinh,
                       A11 the intruders  were able to do was to infiltrate  a
       cornpany 6ize force in Thi Nghe where it was irnrnediately  isolated
       and destroyed about three days 1ater. Following  this,  the enerny
       refrained frorn opening any new fronts in this general area.

                       Thus the enerny failed in his atternpt to penetrate  the
       capital city through its northeastern  outskirts  because of  the failure
       to take the first  objective, the bridge.

                       The second front was located in the western outskirts
       of the city in the area of  Binh Thoi. In  this direction the enerny
       High C ornrnand  had deployed an irnportant force including all the
       cornponents of the CT,9 Division,  two artillery  battalions  of Regirnent
       208, and Regirnent 697 including  Battalions  267, 269 and Binh Tan
       Six. At one point it  appeared  that one battalion of Regirnent 88 was
       al6o pxesent in this area. Thj's force apparently had corne to Saigon

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