Page 159 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 159

the enerny had to abandon his intention to inJiltrate  the city through
       thi s gdte,

                       Meanwhile, the situation in Cholon continued to grow
       rnore serious. A look at this all irnportant area indicates at least
       three rnajor fronts,  the Pharn The Hien front in the Eighth Precinct
       where a strong cornrnunist force had been intensifying  its pressure
       since the early hours o{ May 9; the Binh Tien front where the enerny
       had tried to occupy the installations  of  the Binh Tay Distilleries,
       and the Minh Phung front  where insurgent troops had sought to occupy
       high buildings frorn where they could rnake their presence felt,

                       Because of the seriousness of the situation, US troops
       vrere seen for the first  tirne taking part in city fighting. Governrnent
       Rangers supported by an arrnored  elernent of the US Ninth Infantry
       Division counterattacked  vigorously in  the Minh Phung area which
       also was the target of gunship strafing. Many fires again broke out in
       this area that continued well into the night.
                       A few hours later around 0400 hours of the following day
       enerrly gunners again shelled the Tan son Nhut Airport with over ten
       | Z?rnrn r ockets.
       I0 Mav 1968. The Khanh Hoi front  had grown serious during the night,
       forcing a US arrnored group to take position early in the rnorning of
       10 May on both sides of the Tan Thuan Bridge. The situation in the
       trYrr  Bridge area also grew difficult necessitating the intervention of
       the Air  Force in that part of the city for four hours. Following this
       an all night gun battle could be heard in this area with rnany instances
       of fire  breaking  out.
                       Meanwhile in the  Minh Phung sector fighting went on
       unabated.  Elsewhere, rnost noticeable  was  the collapse of the Thi
       Nghe Bridge when a big arrnored colurnn crossed it to enter the city.
       1l Mav 1968. Fighting around the         rrYrr  Bridge  c ontinued all day. Early
       in the rnorning an elernent of the US Ninth Infantry Division had cros-
       sed the bridge to attack Viet Cong resistance  groups in  the area of
       Pharn The Hien and Au Duong Lan Streets. The infantryrnen were
       supported by tanks and by early evening were in control of the target
       area, relieving pressure around the La San School where a friendly
       uni.t had sought refuge. Many houses in this part of the city also
       continued to burn.

                       In Cholon, especially  in  such streets as Minh Phung,

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