Page 155 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 155

trarly in the rnorning of 5 May a counterattack  was
      ordered with thousands of governrnent troops trying to elirninate
      Viet Cong pockets and prevent other cornrnunist  units frorn entering
      the city.  A Ranger elernent was dispatched to the Binh Thoi area but
      as it  reached Phu Binh it carne under attack by an unknown enemy
                       Since the enerny did his best to stick to populated areas
      and since quite a few innocent civilians were in the battle Lor,e'  an
      all day fight ensued  without the Rangers being able to dislodge the
      intruders. It was in this area that atrasedy happened  to four jour-
      nalists who sirnply  c ornrnitted  the rnistake of trying to do their duties
                       It was about  0900 hours when a jeepload  of foreign jour-
      nalists traveling on Road 52 was stoPPed by the insurgents  and rnur-
       dered, Arnong those who lost their lives on that day were Ronald B'
       Lararny and Bruce S. Pigott o{ Reuter s, Michael Y  Birch of the
       Austraiian  Associated Press and John L.  Cantwell of Tirne  Magazine.
       Another victim of Viet Cong atrocity  was Count Hasso Von Kollenberg
       of the Gerrnan Ernbassy,  who also was killed on this front'
                       Just at dawn another  government force including  a
       Marine elernent and sorne riot  police was dispatched to the Thi Nghe
       area with the task of prewenting enerny troops frorn spreading to
       other sections  of the suburb.  Since rnost houses in this area are rnade
       of bricks and concrete, the friendly troops tried to tighten the noose
       whlle assaulting house by house' They soon found that their task could
       not be cornpleted during the day. It was in this area that Brigadier
       General  Nguyen Ngoc Loan, Police Director General, was severely
       wounded  when he led his trooPs in a particularly  bold attack'
                       The insurgents had less chance in towntown  Saigon'  The
       few groups that succeeded in penetrating the area' rtere speedily
       elirnlnatea.  Most typical of this was a Viet Cong group that arrived
       at De Tharn Street from the areas of Cau Kho, Rach Ban' and Ben
       Chuong Duong. The De Tharn area is arnong the rnost populated in
       Saigon. The enerny group included  about ten rnen equipped with AK' 47
       autornatic  ri{les  and grenades.  They were engaged in arrned  Propa-
       ganda when police frorn the Second Precinct arrived on the scene'
       i  lon" explosion threw the group into confusion,  perrnitting
       the polite to kill  three of thern, including  a woman cadre' take three
       prisoners and capture two AK.4?ts  and two  Pistols'

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