Page 153 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 153

Following  thi.s aerial attack,enemy  ground troops attack-
      ed  a South Vietnarnese Marine elernent  standing  guard on the Bien-
      Hoa Highways, the Binh Loi and Xa Lo bridges,as well as another
     bridge rnuch nearer to Saigon. They also assaulted the Cau Tre Folice
     Station in the Binh Loi area. AII these attacks took  Place            between
      0b30 hours and 0500 hours but were not successful'

                      However, the enerny had Penetrated           many populated
      areas in Thi Nghe, a section  of the Dakao district  in Saigon, and the
      Binh Thoi ward in Cholon,through  such attacks.

                      Meanwhile,  at dusk rnany Cornrnunist  eLernents within
      the city began harassing the forces of order and took to the street
      trying to sell their cause through  loudspeakers' This task apparently
      *."  g-i.r"n Viet Cong arrned propaganda teams and special saPPer
      troops who rnade their aPpearances  in various parts of the city,  espe-
      cia1ly on Pho Co Dieu, Nguyen Trau, Tran Quy, Phan Van Tri,  Co
      Giang,  De Tharn,  Nguyen Thien Thuat, Cao Dat, and Tran Binh Trong

                      These groups started distributing  Iea-flets while speaking
      to the people through  loudspeakers.  Most leaflets were supposed to
      have been originated frorn  the so called Alliance of National Derno-
      cratic and Peace Forces  (ANDPF).  Police reported laterthat  a total
      of twelve different  leaflets were distributed in Saigon'

                      These Viet Cong docurnents  did not differ frorn one
      another very rnuch. They were,on the whole,calls  to revolt and encou--
      ragernent for insurgent  acts by the loca1 troops and population' Most
      rernarkable  of these was a docurnent  intended for political  cadres
      entitled  rtThe  Nine Policies in Newly Libelated Citiesr''
                       The first  three cornmands  dealt with the confiscation  of
      the people! s proPerty. The six f oll'owing comrnands were prornises
      to,  as they called thern,rirepentantrr civilian and rnilitary  personnel'
      and civil  servants. Besides, having learlred a lesson during their
      unsuccessful Tet  offensiwe,  the C-omrnunist  lligh Cornrnand instructed
      its cadre to rnake full use of the rnilitary  and civilian  proselyting
      tactics in an effort to win over sorne of the GVN troops and cadre'

                       In addition,the  C ornrnunists atternpted  to penetrate  the
      police station of the Eighth Precinct'  Unabte to rnake a pbnetration'
      they entered the unguarded adrninistrative office of the Fifth Precinct'
       raised their flag,  and set fire  to sorne docurnents'

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