Page 158 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 158

on Nguyen Hue Roulevard, and the Saigon Police Hea,iriuarters.  One
       I ZZrnrn rocket also hit Hot"l Catinat on Nguyen Hue Boulevard in down-
       town Saigon.
       7 Mav 1968. Enerny  troops again appeared  in the Eighth Precinct rnore
       precisely on Pharn The Hien Quay.. The situation in the Binh Thoi area
       grew rrlore serious as ground troops found thernselves with  the irn-
       possible task of penetrating these VC held parts  of the  city.  In the
       afternoon  jets were cal1ed in to  strike both areas especially  Binh
       Thoi,  where rnany fires were irnrnediately reported sending high into
       the sky rnany colurnns of black srnoke.

                        A1l through the night flares were seen illurninating the
       sky while houses were stil1 burning by the hundreds. In spite of the
       cur{ew order the population frorn outlying areas {locked downtown.
       Nothirg could be done to prevent the rnovernent.  These refugees  chose
       public buildings, schools and parks for  refuge.
                        With the exception of Thi Nghe where a Marine operation
       resulted in restoration  of cornplete order by 1300 hours and the Bay
       Hien i.ntersection  where norrnalcy was also restored, the situation
       throughout the outlying sections  of the big rnetropolis rernained

       8 Mav 1968. The situation in Cholon grew more serious with enerny
       troops reaching the Binh Tien Bridge,  Hau.Giang  Boulevard, Minh
       Phung Street and such neighboring  areas as Bai Say, Narn A,  and Lo
       Gorn. A governrnent force was dispatched hei:e in the rnorning suc-
       ceeded in driving the intrude:s  to the Lo Gorn area which carne under
       air  attack by 1300 hours. Meanwhile, the situation in the Eighth
       Precinct  continued to be serious forcing allied planes to  attack sorne
       1oc ations in this area.
       9 Mav 1968. The enerny tried to open a new front in the Khanh Hoi
       area -  so far left untouched by the war - by concentrating his troops
       in the Tan Thuan Dong Village for a conternplated thrust on Khanh Hoi,
       adrnini s tr ative 1y known as the Fourth Precinct.  As soon as fighting
       started here, the local population  once rnore left their hornes to seek
       refuge in the city.

                       On this Ninth day of May, the enerny also sought to open
       a new front in the village of Tan Thoi Hiep in Go Vap District but his
       troops did not  have a chance against an airborne force dispatched to
       block their way. Although fighting continued here for  a {u11 two days,

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