Page 156 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 156

Also in this general area a       grnall  Viet Cong force tryrng
         to reach the Rach Ban bridge was met by Major Tran Minh Cong at                    -
         the head of a police squad, The enerny opened fire  and slightly woun_
         ded the rnajor whose rapid reaction resulted  in the death of one of the
         intruders. Paying no attention  to his wound,  cong irnrnediately  ord.ered
         his troops to assault a house in which the intruders  had soughi refuge.

                         The cornrnunists tried to resist but the gallant policernen
         shot one of thern to death and took two wornen prisoners.  In this
         house police later found eight AK.47 autornatic  rifles,  four Chinese
         Cornrnunist pistols,  a loudspeaker  and a rnirneograph  rnachine.
                         Cau Kho was the third area to be penetrated  by the Viet
         Cong but when a police group was sent in,  cornmunist  resistance was
        found to be very weak. The sweep was cornpleted by 1000 hours resul_
        ting in one enerny dead, four captured including two wornen cadre,
         and four individual  weapons conliscated. The wornen were about ZZ
        years of age and had all necessary  papers to allow thern to live undis_
        turbed in governrnent controlled areas.
                         The De Tharn front was much rnore serious at the begin_
        ning but police here, too, were rnost effective  and the area returned
        to norrnal in the ajternoon,

                         In the Third Precinct, a four-rnan sapper group of Viet
        Cong appeared  on Nguyen Thien Thuat Street but they were speedily
        elirninated, Fighting began at 0500 hours when a police jeep was hii
        by VC sniper fire  starting an operation  which becarne the responsi_
        bility  of the local riot  police unit.

                        When the Viet Cong group, which included three rnen and
        a girl,  sought refuge in a house of Alley 22 the owner of the place  at
        once notified police of their unwanted presence, A search was irnrne_
        diately undertaken  reBulting in two cornrnunist  d.ead and the two others
        captured  including the gir1. Two AK.4? autornatic  riJles and two pis_
        tol.s were also taken along with sorne explosives, The Ban Co area
        settled back to norrnal.
                        At Xorn Chieu in the Fourth        precinct   four women  cadre
        had barely started their propaganda  activities  when they were captured.
        They had four Chinese Cornrnunists pistol6. In the Fifth            precincithe
        enerrly was still  in control  of the main adrninistrative building when
        Lieutenant Colonel Le Ngoc Tru,  the local police chief, led hi,  troop"
        in an assault on the VC held building,

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