Page 160 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 160

Road 45 and Phu Tho, the situation quieted down for a while but a
       Ranger group rnoving to Binh Thoi was to rneet with strong enerny
       resistance  in the aJternoon.  Rornbers and helicopter gunships  were
       irnrnediately dispatched against the enerny in  a raid that clirnaxed
       with the explosion of 700-pound bornbs. By the light of {lares the
       Rangers assurned full  control of the Binh Thoi area a little  before

                       The I l th day of May was to rnark the beginning of the
       a1lied counterattack in Saigon. It also was to be rernernbered by the
       creation o{ the Student Division for the protection  of the capital city,

       I Z Mav 1968. With the Rangers in cornplete control of the Fifth and
       Sixth Precincts friendly  troops launched  a rnajor attack against
       enerny positions  on the  othe: side of the         rrYrr  Bridge. The fight
       continued all rnorning but by noon the al1ies were in control of the
       area. This wictory elirninated the last cornrnunist troops fighting
       in this  part of  the city.

                       At nightfali  enerny gunners fired a few SZmm rnortar
       rounds that landed in a srna1l alley leading to Do Thanh Nhan Street.
       Sorne hours later they also raided the highway bridge near Saigon and
       partly darnaged the bridge.
                       The following day the situation in the capital and outlying
       areas had returned  to norrnal. After a week of intense fighting in
       Saigon the following casualty figures were recorded on both sides.

                       A total ol ?509 cornrnunist troops were killed and ZZI
       captured  by US and South Vietnarnese troops. 405 enerny troops were
       elirninated by Saigon Police and another  68 were killed by the Regional
       and Popular Forces who also took ten prisoners.  In all a total of
       Z98Z intruders  were killed and ?31 captured.

                       Against these battle casualties the  allied cornrnand
       recorded  57 US fatalities and 333 Arnerican wounded, Seventy govern-
       rnent troops were killed and 303 wourrded while 65 policernen lost
       their lives and 306 were hospitalized, The Regional and Popular
       Forces Cornrnand put its losses at eight killed and 37 wounded. Over-
       all allied casualties were 210 dead and 979 wounded.

        3scor,Tn PERToD
                       In this  second period there were two fronts.  One was in
       Saigonrs northern  suburb of Gia Dinh while the other was in the

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