Page 162 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 162

stopped by Marines as they reached the Bang Ky Bridge, the scene of
       sorne intense fighting which lasted for two days.

                       On 5 June as the Tap Thanh front battle ended fighting
       rnoved to the Cay Queo area insurgents keeping as close as possible
       to governrnent troop6 in the rectangle rnade by Ngo Tung Chau, Hoang
       Hoa Tharn, Le Quang Dinh, a-nd an unnarned street. Meanwhile,  sorne
       of the intruders also tried to sneak through Xorn Thorn to hit at various
       targets near the Joint General StaJf Cornpound. On this front heavy
       casualties {orced the enerny to withdraw  on the eleventh day of June.

                        As fighting died down in Cay Queo fighting irnrnediately
       rnoved on to Cay Thi where it becarne very intense. After exactly  one
       week of bitter fighting the intruders  did their best to get away but they
       were to find the undertaking irnpossible, Survivors of the Quyet  Thang
       (Deterrnined  to \{in)  Regirnent surrendered en rr}asse on l8 June 1958.

                        In surnrnary the Quyet Thang Regirnent  was sornething  of
       the past following the surrender of 152 rnernbers of its First  and
       Second Battalions. In the words of one of the prisoners, Senior
       Captain  Phan Van Xuong,        I'The  Quyet Thang Regirnent had 400 rnen
       when the fighting began but as of the a{ternoon o{ 17 June had only ZZ9
       rnen left,  of which lZ0 were wounded to various degreesrt.
                        The regirnental  cornrnander,a rnan by the narne of Ba
       Vinh,died in the first  rninute s of the battle. He was replaced by tire
       political cornrnissar Hai Phai. Yet according  to Captain Xuong,               "if
        one adds up those who had died and those who surrendered, the
        rernaining strength of the Quyet  Thang Regirnent can be estirnated  at
        Z0 stray or rnissing troops.
                        The Dong Nai Regirnent also recorded heavy losses in
       the course of the early fighting especially  ln the area of Cay Queo.
        More particularly an elernent of this unit dispatched to Gia Dinh as
        reinforcernent recorded incornparably heavy losses by an airborne
       force in An Phu Dong. The rernaining 250 troops of the Dong Nai
        Regirnent had no other alternative but to withdraw to Binh My about
        sir rniles Northwest  of Tan t'yen District  Town.
                        In Cholon the Viet Cong Second Military  Sub- Region
        dispatched two battalions (einh Tan Six and 308) to populated areas
        south of the China town. When they withdrew  to their Ba Vu secret
        zone for  recuperation  only about 100 succeeded in arriving at their
        de s tination.

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