Page 161 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 161

southern outskirts of Cholon.
                       North of the capital city the cornrnunist First  and FiJth
      Military  Sub-Regions  had directed  two regirnents and sorne saPPea
      troops to Saigon, The Dong Nai Regirnent including Battalions K.3 and
      K.4,  and the Quyet  Thang Regiment,  including two battalions  of the
       sarne appellations, had spread thin in their  atternpt to reach the city.

                       As early as Z3 May elernents of the Dong Nai Regirnent
       had taken advantage of loopholes in the security beLt around the capital
       to reach its outskirts. Although fighting  started two days Iater it can
      be assurned the enerny did not want to initiate it  so early but had to
      fight when his troops betrayed  their presence,
                       At the beginning the enerny in-filtrated some o{ his
       troops based in the area of An Phu Dong especially the light cornrnand
       post of the Dong Nai Regirnent and the K;3 or Phu Loi Battalion'  These
       troops easily penetrated the area of the Tap Thanh Pagoda in Harnlet
       Seven where they waited for the rnain body of troops to arrive.  They
       also expected to go frorn there to Gia Dinh Town and frorn there enter
       Saigonr s First  Precinct.

                       But their presence  at the TaP Thanh Pagoda was reported
       and irnrnediately brought about an operatlon by governrnent forces. In
       spite of a Viet Cong atternpt to enlarge the battle area fighting  was
       to be lirnited to Harnlet Seven, the Cau Son Bridge, the Bang Ky
       Bridge and the Cay Queo and Cay Thi sectors.
                       The fighting on the Bang Ky Bridge was to be the least
       intense of all.  Governrnent Marines  quickly overcarne cornrnunist
       resistance on1). to find that rnost intruders had le{t the area, leaving
       behind only a few srnall units to try to secure penetration routes for

       later r e inforc ernent s.
                       In the region of the Tap Thanh Pagoda  the South Viet-
       narnese airborne eleroent dispatched to counter the cornmunist  threat
       encountered strong and deterrnined resistance frorn the enerny. The
       insurgents had also prepared thernselves for the fight and it was to
       take the governrnent troops 13 full  days to restore order in this section
       of the city.  It was declared pacified  on 5 June 1968.
                       Cn the cornrnunist side the Quyet  Thang Regirnent  with
       its two battalions,  Go Mon I and Z, arrived at the Rach Ong area on
       the last day of May. They irnrnediately tried to reach the Cay Thi
       section to reinJorcc  those already within the big city.  They were

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