Page 154 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 154

The explosion  of a youth center near the Television
                      Ior.rse is vieweci by rnany observers  as rrarking  the
                     star:t of the May offensive.  The photo above shows
                     the center following  the explosion that afternoon.
                                        (3 May t96d  )



               In the early  hours of 5 May 1968, the ComrnLriri::b :-6:;,  a
               second wave of o{fensive  on Saigon. VC sapper troops \4.ere
               to take a rnajor  part  in tl.ris attack.  But on that ver.y day
               rnany were those arrested  or  taken prisoners  by governntent
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