Page 149 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 149

The cost of living also rose drarnatically, A bowl of soup,
       that prior to  Tet  cost only VNF30, could only be {ound at40piastres,
       A few stern of spinach doubled in price to VN/I5 and people had to pay
       !00 piastres for a kilo of pork. The price of rice rernained steady.

                        Business ground to a halt because inland c ornrnunic ation s
        had becorne difficult and the people were less willing to spend rnoney'
        except on food. This trend however,  had been noticeable for  sorne-
        ti.rne before the New Year. P sycholog  i.c ally, business circles here
        also suffered and no expansion of any kind was reported.
                       But following the unprecedented  Viet Cong attack, Presi-
       dent Nguyen Van Thieu's prestige recorded a drarnatic upturn.  Many
       political groups that thus far had opposed the government  chose  to
       support it in the difficult days of the nationrs history. Moreover  rnany
       hard rneasures had been taken by the governrnent without encountering
       any oppo sition.
                       Most indicative of this were the enactrnent  of the General
       Mobilization Law, the recall of reserves, the creation o{ the Popular
       Self Defense Corps and the drafting of students. This absence of oppo-
       sition can be traced to the Viet Cong offensive, which showed the Corn-
       rnunists in their true light: a group of bad soldiers, killers  and arso-
       nists, who died by the huncreds, taking to their heels in the face of
       deterrnined  resistance.

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