Page 151 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 151

2nd Phase          battles

                       The Znd Phase of the Cornrnunist Offensive can be divided
       into two periods, the fir6t  f rorn 5 to I Z May and second  f rorn 25 May
       to 16 June 1968,
                       Unlike the initial  pha se,Comrnunist  troops during the
       second phase did not seek to attack any of the rnilitaly  installations
       and nerve centers  in Saigon but sirnply tried to penetrate  populated
       areas to create as rnuch destruction  as possible.  The tactics ernployed
       by the enerny can be called one of city guerrilla warfare,since they
       sirnply  dug themselve  s in while trying to keep the f ight on f or as long
       as possible,thus creating as rnuch darnage as possible.

                       The {irst  period of this phase of offensive ended speedily,
       for the Allies readily accepted the risk  of destruction  of civilian homes.
       Although  expelled frorn the city the enerny 6oon returned' His efforts
       were successful  because  of the great extent of the front  line and the
       tiredness of the defenders,who  had been fighting for rnany weeke with-
       out any re spite.
                       The second period was to last longer,for  enerny troops
       by then had acquired sorne experience  in the street fighting.  During
       this period,although the enerny succeeded in bringing about the destruc-
       tion of thousands of houses,he lost two full  regirnents  of troops either
       through fighting or surrender' Most noticeable in this period was the
       rrrass surrender of over one hundred hardcore  enemy' a phenornenon
       that proved the low rnorale of the enerny.

                        5 Mav 1958. The attacks on Saigon began with a rnortar
       and rocket barrage a little  past rnidnight' The Cornrnunist  warheads
       fel1 on many areas of the sprawling capital and its  suburbs.  These can
       be broken down as f ollows :
                        Many rockets fell  on Tan Son NhutAirport but resulted
        in no extensive  darnage. One round fell near  the residence of U.S.
       Arnbassador Ellsworth Bunker. Another round irnpacted near the
       Central Market. Still another destroyed  a power transforrner  facing
       the Phuoc Thien Hospital  and a buildilg nearby on Nguyen Trai Street.
        Eleven others scattered on Tu Do, Thong Nhut, Hoang Dieu, Huynh
        Thuc Khang and Ngo Duc Ke Streets.

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