Page 146 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 146

force, a Ranger group and rnany newly created units  forrned  with
       cadets and sta{f rnembers  of the rnany rnilitary agencies inSaigon. On
       the Arnerican side there were two US brigades operating in the suburbs,
       under the cornrnand of Major General Keith L,Wa::e.  Both cornrnands
       ordered a rapld irnprovernent  of the defense of the rnany rnilitary instal-
       lations in the capital.
                       During the night of 22 February a clash was reported be-
       tween governrnent troops and an unidentified Viet Cong unit in the POL
       depot ofGo Vap,resulting in a speedy defeat of the enerny. The f oliow-
       irg  day the situation in Saigonrs rnany suburbs  was describedbyAllied
       spokesrnen as     rrcalrnrr.  But in the early hours of 24 p661s31'y,         rnore
       exactly at 0440 hours, Cornrnunist  gunners again pounded the Tan Son
       Nhut Air  Base and Saigonts northern outskirts,
                       A total of sorne 20 rounds.of SZrnrn rnortar and IZZ rnrn
       rockets fel1 in two volleys on the sprawling air base,killing three sol-
       diers and wounding  another 17. The bornbardrnent also resulted in
       darnage to three aircraft.  A lone warhead fell  on the Vietnarnese Joint
       General Staff cornpound, wounding two servicernen,  and another
       warhead hit a civi.lian house in the Lang Cha Ca area just outside
       Tan Son Nhut Air  Base.
                       In this last instance the house was cornpletely destroyed
       and an entire farnily of 1I killed.
                       It  was learned later that the enemy had shelled the air
       base      and neighooring installations frorn other cerrreteries in an area
       south of the air base.
                       Following  his failure against the Go Vap        pCL    installation,
      the enerny tried his luck once rnore during the night of 24-25 February.
       His ground attack was preceded by an intense rnortar and rockei  bar-
       rag-,  but it too failed.

                       Within the city the enenry was only strong enough to ini -
       tiate a few sabotage actions, rnainly terrorist  activities. His  troops
       blew up two bridges : one on the Giong Ong To River about five rriile s
       south of Thu Duc and the other on the Cau Kinh River, a bare two
       rniles northeast of Gia Dinh City.
                       During the rnortaring  of the capital,enerny  gunners mor-
       tared many populated areas such as the Nguyen Van Thanh Qraywhere
       40 houses were destroyed  and three civilians killed,  the Tu Do Reset-
       tlement Center in Cholon, and the CMD Cornrnand. His troops also

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