Page 142 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 142

under Sergeant Tang Ly, was given the task of protecting  the cornrnand
         element and attacking  the enerny frorn the le{t flank;  and. Znd  platoon,
        under Warrant Officer UT,was to hit the enerny in a frontal attack  in
        coordination with the crack reconnaissance  section,
                         I'The  waiting period did not last 1ong, As  soon as  the
        Rangers  left Village Road l4 and were in view frorn the  cemetery, the
        Cornrnunists opened fire  on thern, Tran Xoongrs troops who rvere in an
        open field did not have any alternative but to hit back as forcefully  as
        poesibl.e. They charged with fixed bayonets. The first  Viet Cong
        defense line rapidly c ollap  s ed.
                         rrXoong   and his troops irnrnediately  surged forward  and,

        after taking possession of the enerny trenches, continued to direct their
        fire at the Cornrnunists  who then were behind every tornb in the big ce-
        rnetery. The opposing troops were  go          close to one  another that  they
        could see one anotherrs face. The Viet Cong were a curious rnixture o{
        black and white clad elernents with sorne of thern half naked,

                         'rknrnediately   at the start oI the battle it becarne  evident
        the Viet Cong were MainForce  troops well equipped with such weapons
        as B.40 rocket launcherg  and other collective arrrrs, Their  individual
        weapons were rnostly AK.50ts,  which are newer and better version of
        the AK. 47. AII this firepower  did not prevent the Rangers frorn
         surging ahead once rnore and occupying a srnall verrnicelli  factory.

                         r!But  here the troops under the cornrnand  of  Lieutenant
        Xuan were to meet with strong enerny resistance,  The Viet Cong had
        two heavy machineguns  which were silenced  by a series of M, 79 grena-
        des personally  launched  by the company cornrnander. (ttre l,t. Z9  is a
        large egg-ehaped  grenade with an incornparable  degtructive  power),
                         rrln  epite of intense pounding  of their position,the VC rna-
        chinegunnere refused to budge,creating  the feeling arnong the Rangers
        they had been chained to their arms, Meanwhile a bare 20 yards sepa-
        rated the gunners on both sides as they continued to fire at each other.
                         rrSeeing  red at what he called Viet  Cong stubbornness,
        Private Tran Dac Hiep of the reconnaissance  section,without regard for
        his personal  safety,took  over the M,79 launcher and directed it at  the
        Viet Cong position in a house. In the other position in a  house, a Viet
        Cong saw Hiep and, with an AK, 50, tried to stop hirn, Both firedatthe
        garne  tirne and both collapsed  s irnultaneou s 1y, Hiep was kil1ed  lly  a
        bullet that went through his heknet and the Viet Cong was slain  along
        with his rnachinegunner friends.

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