Page 143 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 143

rrLieutenant    Xuan had had only tirne to te1l Hiep to be ca-
        reful when the young soldier was rnortally  wounded. He  irnrnediately
        tried to retrieve the body of the young hero but enerny  gunners  had
        followed his rnovernents carefully  and he could not get anywhere near
                        trln  the face of the Lieutenantrs dilemrna a civilian in his
        {orties,who  along with an old lady had been caught in  the  Iight,  recover Hieprs body' The rnan, Mr.  Ho Van Hai, told
        the soldiers,    rrLet  rne do it.  Since I arn in civilian clothes it rnight be
        a little  easierr   r.
                         trAnd  without waiting for: an answer, Mr.  Hai  went  out
        into the open,trying in the rneanwhile to llght a BastoB cigaletteto calm
        his nerves. He trod slowly arnidst explosions, reached Hiep, and pul-
        led the lifeless body back to the safety of the cornrnand poet.

                         I tMeanwhile   on the left hand flank Captain  Thiet was speak-
        ing  on the radio,ordering  Lieutenant  Xuan to withdraw  his troops  so
        thit  an arrnored  elernent could {inish the job. Three tanks,nicknarned
        trCrabstr,appeared      {rorn nowhere,causing the enerny to reoganize his
        frontline within  sight of the governrnent  soldiers.

                         rrTherrCrabsrrsurged      forward slowly but surely. A flurry
        of bornbs frorn enerny rocket launchers flew in the direction  of the rno-
        ving vehicles, reducing one of thern to a burning heaP of rnetal.  This
        did not stop the Rangers frorn continuing the assault. Captain Thiet and
        his soldiers rnounted the      trCrabrt   and converted the vehicle into ahuge
        fire  rna chine.
                         rrFighting  grew rrrore intense with each passing  rninute'
        The second tank arrived as reinforcernent  only to  be hit by a flying
        bornb and set a{ire,  Enerny troops irnrnediately took advantage of  the
         surprise to start a counterattack'  But they did not realizethe resour-
         cefulness  of the cornrnander of the 33rd Ranger Battalion  and                  hi6
                         ItAt  a sirnple order a totally different forrnation ernerged
         frorn the confused battle scene with rnasked rnen, rnoving around  like
         supernatural  beings,felling horrified Viet Cong by the dozens'  Most
        Rangers  had been equipped with gas rnasks and they had resorted  to
        this tactic to defeat an enerny deterrnined to  overrun thern by sheer
         nurnber s.
                         rrln  this engagernent  Viet Cong losses reached unirnagi-
         nable proportions,

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