Page 148 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 148

Outside this triangle an irnportant task  force  of  South
        Vietnarnese  Marines, Rangers and infantryrnen, supported by arrnor and
        PBR elernents,were  given the task of blocking the retreat of an esti.rrra-
        ted 4,000 cornrnuni st s, inc luding Main Force and regional Jorce troopa
        who had failed in two atternpts agai.nst the city.
                        However, this big operation failed to bring about any  of
        the conternplated results. The enerny avoided battle and scattered  ac-
        tion was reported resulting in light casualties on theCornrnunist side.
                        On the second day of March the Tan Son Nhut AirBase wae
        rocketed for the third tlrne. This tirne enemy gunners  shelled the irn-
        portant installation  until 0900 hours. Although only light               casualties
        and insignificant  rnaterial  losses were recorded, the attack was rrlore
        intense than on previous occasions.  Warheads  also fell on  populated
        areas in Cholon.
                        On 7 March airborne  trooPs, oPerating in the Ba Diern
        and Tan Thoi Trung areas, again reported  an irnportant  clash with
        the enerny. The battle raged for three hours' The government force
        was supported by four jets which took turns strafing Viet Cong
        position6.  Following  thi6 battle, the situation in the Capital Military
        District  returned to normal,

                        Losses  on both si.des during the rnonths  of February and
        March in the Saigon area wele as follows  :
                        A total oI 323 governrnent soldiers lost their 1ives,  907
        were wounded and 28 weapons,  including five crew-served,  were lost.
        On the enerny side a total ol 5,289 soldiers and cadres were killed,4I5
        were taken prisoners,  and 1,934 rveapons were confiscated,  including
        I, 544 individual and 3!0 crew served weapons,
                        These figures were taken frorn statistics releasedby the
        Joint General Sta{f for the rnonths of February and March I968.
                        The intense fighting,which the people of Saigon have wit-
        nessed  since the early days of the Year. of the Monkey, had the effect
        of drastically changing the atrnosphere in this war capital, Instead of
        the fun they were so prone to having,  the people of Saigon began living
        aucterely. The war was on their doorstep.

                        Little  traffic was seen in the streets; the citizens
        travelled directly to their work with little  other rnovernent.  Night life
        carne to a cornplete standstill,  A11 restaurants  and places of entertain-
        rnent closed their doors. Even schools were closed until 1 April.

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