Page 145 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 145

rrAll  over the place Viet Cong bodies could be seen, rnak-
      ing  the task of this reporter practically irnpossible.  Dornestic  anirnals
      killed in the fight also created an un{orgettable  picture with hogs as big
      as cows littering the area and a lone and wounded cow  crying  while
      standing fast.

                       rrMany   tornbs had been opened by the violence of air raidq
      yielding skeletons  of those  dead years ago. For thern death had arrived
      twice. But all these horrors did not stop the Rangers who continued
      the sweep until early afternoon.

                       "The   battle had raged for over 24 hours. Frorn one o{ the
      tornbs still  intact, Li eut enant Trinh Thanh Xuan,Commander of the Third

       Cornpany, reported :
                       Itln  this battle we have captured rnany rnasks with  which
      the Viet Cong apparently had intended  to fight a gas war.  Thege maske
       look rather strange  as they are rnade of nylon with green oxygen tubes.
       The total Viet Cong losses arnount to about 300,of which sorre are

       buried under collaps ed buildings,
                       The enerny continued  to try to enter the iity  frorn  its
       northwestern gates, Most indicative of this  intention was a battle
       opposing  a battalion  of Regirnent Z7Z/CT.9  and the Third Brigade  of
       the US 25th Infantry Division.  The battle took place on 21 February
       at the Village of Vinh Loc district of Tan Binh, a lrtere four rnilee
       northwe  st of Saigon.
                       After this battle enerny prea6ure continued to be rnaintained
       in that area,especially  in the second half of February  when elernents
       of the crack Viet Cong Ninth Infantry Divieion  made their aPPearance
       in the region of Hoc Mon. In addition to their presence one also has to
       reckon with thei.r deterrnination to redeem themgelveg with sornething
       better than the series of beating they had recorded in  the  preceding

                       In their atternpt to infiltrate Saigonihe NinthDivieion  had
       one of its regirnents,  the Z7Znd,  rnauled  by US troops with l3Z dead by
       body count. Another  regirnent, the Z73td, tried to corne in through Go
       Vap but was stopped by Vietnarnese  airborne  troops.Its third regirnent'
       the 27Ist,was in better  shape, since it was kePt in Hoc Mon to be used
       as rein{orcernents  for the other two reginoents.
                       To cope with this situation the two -Allied cornrnands  had
       to rnaintain quite a few troops in the Capital Military District'  On the
       Vietnamese side there were two airborne task forces, a Marine  task

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