Page 141 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 141

Center. Cornrnunist soldiers also rnade their presence felt in Thu Duc,
      blowing  up a watchtower guarding the bridge o{ Go Dua  just  a  rnile
      frorn Thu Duc and destroying the bridge with TNT'

                       The following day enerny pressure  in the  Thu Duc area
      becarne rnore intense as his gunners rnortared an equiprnent  comPany
      installation  and occupied the Sicovina textile factory there'  A  battle
      was also reported in the general area two rniles northwest of the race
      track.  The heavy fighting in this area was joined by planes and  artil-
      lery frorn the friendly side and anti-aircraft  rnachineguns  frorn  the
      Cornrnunist  side. The Cornrnunists  did their best to Protect           this
      infiltration  route frorn where they had sent hundreds of rnortar rounds
      into S4igon during the preceding days.
                       The battle started at the Cernetery  of the  Trieu  Chau
       (Ctrinese)  Congregation when the 33rd Ranger Battalion carne to relieve
      an Arnerican  unit.  This rnove followed the decision to rneroe Zones
       rrDrr  and  rrFrt  and rnake both divisions the area of responsibility            of
      governrnent  R-angers.  The enerny had avoided contact with the
      Arnericans  but when South Vietnarnese troops arrived the Cornrrrunists
      irnrnediately struck.
                       A Vietnarn press correspondent  was with the  Rangers
      when fighting  brolte out between the Viet Cong and the crack  govern-
       rnent unit,which then was under the cornrnand of Captain NguyenThiet.
       The correspondent  was rnarching with the Third Cornpany and its corn-
       rnander,  young Li.eutenant Trinh Thanh Xuan' Here is his description
       of the battle.:

                       "Binh   Thoi Firing Range, Z0-Z-63(VP).  --  It        -as   a Little
       past noon when Lieutenant Trinh Thanh Xuan got ready for 1unch.  At
      that precise rnornent however, the youthful leader of the Third
      Cornpany, 33rd Ranger Battalion, got word frorn his cornrnanding
      officer that the enerny was about to strike.

                       rrThe  enerny has infiltrated rnany troops in the  Trieu
       Chau Congregation  Cernetery  which is 200 yards frorn the  Binh Thoi
       Firing Range. His troops also were rnost nurnerous in a triangle rnade
       up of Tan Hoa, Cau Tre,  and Phu Binh. This situation had the irnrne -
       diate effect of spoiling Lt.  Xuanrs lunch.
                       ItAfter  acknowledging the order to rnove against the ene-
       rny,the cornpany divided itself into three        Parts  : Ist platoon underSer-
       geant Tran Xoong, a veteran with over 30 years o{ service, was  as-
       signed the task of hitting the enerny frorn the right flank; 3rd platoon'

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