Page 136 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 136

Fighting in the suburbs

                       The Viet  Cong  Tet  offensive, wbich was  launched
       against Z8 provincial cities and irnportant rnilitary instailations  with
       an estirnated  97 battalions of  troops,included  both cornbat  and support
       troops. The of{ensive failed rapidly except in the forrner irnperial capi-
       ta1 of Hue where,due to cloudv weather and the resulting poor observa-
       tion,the Cornrnunists were able to {ight nearly a rnonth'

                       In other parts of the country  the intruders were  expelled
       frorn the cities but were apparently  unable to  see the true  situation,
       Thus, they were to rnount a second wave off,ensive on lTFebruary' This
       took place in quite a {ew locations but was rather short in duration and
       Iess intensive than the initial  phase. Although  having the capability  of
       bringing troops to the outlying  areas of various cities, the enerny did
       not have the will  and the ability to turn these rnovernents  into victories,
                       Most rernarkable was his ability to continue pounding
       population  centers with rnortar and rockets of all calibers' He also
       rnade use of a new rocket rnanufactured  in Russia,  t]ne L zzrorn rocket,
       that has a range of eight rniles and has an explosive power equivalent
       to 45 kilos  of TNT.
                       In Saigon the enerny began this new offensive phase with
       a shelling  of the Tan Son Nhut Airport.The  bornbardrnent began at  0IZ0
       hours and, besides the sprawling air base, Cornrnunist warheads also
       fe1l on the MACV Headquarters,  the National Police Headquarters,  and
       the Phu Larn Radar station. A total of nearly I00 rounds of 8Zrnrn rnor-
       tar and 37 rounds ol lZ?rnrn rockets exploded in the air base'
                        One of these warheads hit the waiting roorn where 88 U' S'
       Nawyrnen  of the Riverine Force were waiting to return tothe U' S', kill-
       itg  six of the hornegoing troops and wounding  quite a few others' Six
       other rounds hit the headquarters of General  Williarn C' Westrnoreland
       but there wexe no casualties. One C.4? transPort plane of the  VNAF
       33rd Air  Wing was d.estroyed and another  darnaged while five U' S'
       planes were either destroyed or darnaged. The attack resulted  in a
       total of seven dead and 13I wounded, of which 67 wete evacuated'

                        At Police Headquarters  five policernen lost  their  lives
        and another 40 were wounded  when the enerny lodged sorne Z0 rounds
        of SZrnrn rrrortar  j.nto  the cornpound. This general area was to be at-
        tacked anew the following day but all the warheads fell  into  a  poor

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