Page 132 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 132

the transrnission station frorn headquarters.
                        The Viet Cong were less successful  in their  attack on
       Independence Palace which they tried to infiltrate frorn the back gate,
       In this short affair the enerny was able to fire  only two 8,40 rockets
       into a sentry post  before the defenders reacted  s tr ongly,killing four
       Cornrnunists,  capturing two, and con{iscating  five AK,47 autornatic
       ri{les  as welL as a truckful of explosive.
                        The rerna,.ning  enelny troops withdrew to a five-storied
       building on Nguyen Du Street and frorn there directed their fire  on
       the presidential rnansion. It took two days to reduce the C ornrnunist

       At Fleadquarters

                        One of the first  targets selected by the Viet Cong was
       Gate Nurnber  Five of the South Vietnarnese Arrny general headquar-
       ters.  Gate Five is used exclusively  by high ranking officiers  quartered
        in the cornpound. At two AM that rnorning it had just been opened for
       the car of an unidentified  general, It  was at this tirne the enerny tried
       to a6sault to gate.

                        The Cornrnunist troops carne frorn Truong Quoc Dung
       Street on a bus which stopped just outside the gate. Irnn-rediately  the
        attackers spread out and assaulted their  target. Later reports were
        to indicate that sorne o{ the attackers  had arrived on the scere be{ore
        and taken refuge in the area of Long-Hoa  Pagoda,
                        When the assault carne about,those rernaining behind and
        on the bus tried their best to protect the attacking trooPs. Thanks to
        the speedy reaction of the {ive rnilitary  policernen  standing guard
        there - especially  Corporal Thao who irnrnediately fired his subrna-
        chinegun at the assailants - the Viet Cong failed to break in.

                        At that rnornent an Arnerican patrol jeep arrived on the
        scene and seeing what was happening -  irnrnediately fired  upon the
        soldiers in civilian clothes,killing  three of the Viet Cong' The Corn-
        rnunists at Long Hoa Pagoda reacted at once by killing or wounding
        all the Arnericans.  The Cornrnunists again tried to assault the gate
        frorn where Corporal Thao continued his gallant resistance.
                        Thao was helped by a group of Arnerican sentries stand-

        1ng   guard at the residence of a U.S. general in the vicinity'  Witness-
        ing   what was taking place,they  directed  their {ire at the Cornrnunists,

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