Page 128 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 128

ngu Bridge,only to be hit  by Cornrnunist fire.  Two U.S. patroknen
       were wounded and the Arnerican  jeep turned upside down when its dri-
       ver  tried to veer right to get out of the firing  zone,

                        Meanwhile,  the enerny continued  his pressure on the
        entrance  to the Navy Headquarters.  While a Viet Cong group kept a
        steady rate of fire  on the defending  Navyrnen,another group tried  to
       bring in sorne exploslves  with the evident intention of blowing  up the
        gate and penetrating the headquarters  building.
                        Frorn thefirst  floor of the building  Navyrnen tried to
       keep the intruders at  a distance. Three of the intruders were shot
        as they reached the gate. The exchange continued but sorne of the
       Cornrnunists  succeeded in a hole in  the wall of the sentry post
       frorn where two of thern tried to sneak in. They were kille<l as they
                        Fi{teen rninute s later the fight carne to an end. A recon-
       naissance tearn rvas at once dispatched to kill  the rernaining V. C.
       agents or to take thern prisoners.  One of thern tried to {1ee but the
       rnan had barely reached  the BGI when he was captured by U. S.
        soldiers in the area.

                        The final  result was ten Viet Cong dead, two captured,
        severr AK rilles,  one Chinese Cornrnunist pistol  and 200 pounds of
       explosives conJiscated.  On the governrnent  side two Navyrnen rnade
       the suprerne sacrifice while another nine were wounded.
                        The relatively  speedy repulse of the Cornrnunists frorn
       the area can be explained by one single developrnent. As a rule only
       troops on guard are arrned, but on that ni.ght following  the alert order
        of the Joint General Staff that calne a little  before rnidnight, all the
        soldiers present were issued individual  weapons. Therefore,  when
       the enerny tried to breach the defense perirneter his troops rnet with
        strong resistance frorn the defenders.
                        According to the Viet Cong plan they had planned to
        occupy  the Nawy headquarters speedily  and from there sweep trooPs
       down the anchored  ships to take possession  o{ the wessels. They also
       had planned to use the capture ships to  support a conternplated  rnass

       Sor,ne other attacks
                        Meanwhile,  the intruders also tried to stage rnany other
       attacks in various strategically  irnportant  positions in the capital,
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