Page 123 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 123

\r'ere credited  to air  strikes.  The ground troops suffered no casualties.

                       At this point it becarne evident to  every one that the
       Viet Cong attack on Saigon had failed. All  intruders  had been swePt
       outside the rnetropolis. In the following days norrnalcy was speedily
       restored and the operational cornrnand of Operation Tran Hung Dao,
       which was under General Cao Van Vien, was disbanded  on 17 Februa-
       ry.  This was rnarked by a sirnple but rnoving cerernony at the Joint
       General  Staff He adquarte  r 6 in the course of which General Vien hirn-
       selves presented well deserving  soldiers with the nationrs  rnoat
       coveted de c or ation s.
                       Operation Tran Hung Dao,however, was not terrninated.
       It becarne the responsibility  of Lieutenant  General Le Nguyen Khang'
       who wag serving  as III Corps cornrnander. The division of Sai.gon into
       Zones    rrArr, ttgtt,   C ,   rrDrr,  and  nEtr  was retained. Their cornrnander  s
       were also retained except for Lieutenant Colonel Dao Ba Phuoc,
       c ornrnander of Zone     trDrr,  who took over frorn Colonel Tran Van Hai,
       Zone   rtFrrwhich   had been an Arnerican responsibility  was added to
       Zone   ttDtt.

                         MAJOR ATTACKS IN AND AROUND SAICON

       U.S. Embassy

                       During the night of January 30-3I at a little  past three
       AM, a Citroen sedan carrying lt  Viet Cong sappers sped in the direc-
       ti.on of the U, S. Ernbassy in downtown Saigon. Driven by Nguyen Van
       Muoi,it  stopped near the Arneric an Chancery  on Mac Dinh Chi Street.
                       There the sappers rushed frorn the srnall car,  shooting
       to death the two U. S. rnilitary policernen standing  guard at a 6ide gate.
       Meanwhile, another Viet Cong using a 3,5 recoilless ri{Ie blasted a
       hole in the wall,  perrnitting the group leader to enter the ground of the
       Ernbasey Building and break the lock of the gate.

                       In the rnatter of rninute s all the group penetrated the
       Ernbassy grounds.Clad  in blacL: lnd blue with a red arrn band to recog-
       nize one another in the dark easily,they  irflmediately  organize  thern-
       gelves   and began attacking  the Ilrnbassy cornpound.

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