Page 120 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 120

it to Vinh Loc about six rniles west of Ba Queo.
                         About 100 stray soldiers rernained frorn the Viet Cong
        force that initially  attacked Saigon, They sornetirnes betrayed thern-
         selves in zones    rrArr,   Dn and  uCu  by foolishly firing  on patrol boats
        going up the Lo Gorn river,  rnedical tearns operating in the Minh
        Phung area, and sorne troops of the 30th Ranger Battalion  north of
        Phu Dinh, etc. . .
                         Again on 12 February South Vietnarnese Ranger elernents
        launched a sweep of the suburb of Phu Larn, whii:h went through  the
        f ollowing stage s :
                         Early that day as elernent of the 38th Ranger Battalion
        crossed the Rach Cau Sat,they killed a Viet Cong and captured  another
        one. The battalion irnrnediately got the order to continue its rnarch
        to join strength with the 30th Ranger Battalion lvhich was controlling
        both sides of the Lo Gorn Canal, It was planhed that frorn a southeastern
        direction both battalions would drive the enerny to the areas of Hoa
        Do,rg  and My Thuan.
                        Earlier  the 41 st Ranger Battalion  had been heliborne to an
        area south of the Rach Cat Road in Phu Larn, and an arrnored elernent
        was also dispatched to help the attacking troops to advance in the direc-
        tion of Hoa Dong and My Thuan. In the ensuing fight the 30th Ranger
        Battalion killed a total of 26 Yiet Cong and captured  eight weapons.
        Although not exactly successful,thi6 battle was to rnark the beginning
        of the end for the Viet Cong in the city.  All  later fighting was to take
        place in suburban areas or areas adjoining on the  outskirts.

                        Of the rnany battles recorded just outside Saigon,Iet it be
        recalled here that rnost successful  was one involving a U'S. elernent
        that took place on the aJternoon of 11 February. In this encounter the
        enerny suffered 47 dead, two captured,  and 34 wea.Pons conJiscated
        while six Arnericans were killed and 15 wounded, Captured docurnents
        showed that rnost Viet Cong killed were part of the  Rrr Vanguard
        Cornrnand and escort elernents. It was also said that V. C'  General
        Tran Do was killed in this encounter, This inJorrrration however,  has
        not been con{irrned by intelligence agencies.

                        In a night operation launched by U. S' troops,U' S. Batta-
        lio.n 4/39 clashed with the enerny in Hung Long,killing  154 Cornrnunists
        and capturing one. The P.W, told his interrogators that he belonged
        to the 2nd Independent Battalion in Long An. Most enerny casualties

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