Page 124 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 124

At the tirne of the assault there were six ciwilian
          ernployees working i.n the c ornrnunic ations roorr] on the fourth floor
          o{ the building, Irrrrnediately notified of the Viet Cong presence,  they
          at once trocked  thernselves  in the bunker like building.
                          Two U.S. Marines, standing  guard on the ground floor
          rushed to the teak wood gate to try to defend it,  A 8.40 rocket-grenade
          wounded one of thern. However,  the Arnericans  succeeded in locking
          the door that successfully resisted all Cornrnunist atternpts to break

                          Twenty four rninute s later an M. P.  reinJorcernent  group
          arrived on the scene but found it  irnpossible to break through  the Com-
          rnunist barrage of fire.  Two of the MPts tried to get through but were
          shot dead by the V.C.  sappers who took advantage of the darkness and
         the terrain to put up a rnost effective  resistance,
                          To dislodge  the Cornrnunists frorn the Ernbassy,the U.S.
         High Cornrnand had to bring in troops by helicopters but V.C" fire-
         power was so intense that all atternpts to land failed until about 9 AM.
         prior   to !  AM a group of American  M,        p.  's assaulted the cornmunist
         force through the rnain gate.

                 VC ATTACK OF THE us EAraASsy

                                                      (  I ) 02s4h The  qall  is  bteochc,l
                                                      (2)  Enemy  fircs  B4O  ot the  Enbossyts hain  sot.
                                                      (  3 )  En.ny  looks  {ot o woy in
                                                      (  4)  A]US s.cutity  afticer  fires or rhc cneny fmn  o <hurch
                                                      (  5) US M.P.  CoDe  for rescue
                                                      (6)  US M.P. Fit.  ot  VC  tgn  the  huildins
                                                      (  7 ) OfiOh.  US  helicoprers try to /ftd  on top of*e  EdSossv
                                                      (8)   U5  M.P. /iok.  d 5'.ocl  to .nt.r  tl.  Ea6dssy
                                                      (  9) V.C. Firc  ot rhc /ondinq  helicopr.rj
                                                      (10)  US M,P.  Occup/  d domi'ont posirion
                                                      (l?)(4354.  He/tcoprers  iondon rAe Em6ossy
                                                      (12)agooh. Th. M,P.  hun rh. ldst encny  ad  col.
                                                              Jocobson  ki/fs hih ro.nd  th. fisht.

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