Page 129 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 129

They tried in the very first  hours of the offensive to
      take possession  of the Phu Dong Arrnored Carnp frorn where they could
      deploy captured vehicles against other installations. For this under-
      taking they brought quite a few drivers along but although they suc-
      ceeding in taking over the carnp the enerny found rro vehicles. A11 these
      had been issued to the units in the field just prior to the holiday  season.

                      However,  the Cornrnunists could  clairn to have occupied
      one of the rnost irnportant rnilitary  installations in to!r,n, But this was
      not rnuch of a feat since the Arrnor Headquarters  was guarCed. by only
      40 troops. The enerny  succeeded in capturing these 40 troops irnrnedi-
      ately a-fter entering the carnp,
                      Prior  to their wi.thdrawal frorn the area the insurgents
      kil1ed practically  every one including  Lieutenant Colonels Nguyen
      Tuan and Huynh Ngoc Diep. All  of the Tuan farnily were rnurdered
      except for  a ten year old child,

                      A  few days later residents in  this area saw cornrnando
      cars going up and down the street. They had corne frorn the Go-Vap
      subsector  and besides taking care of the defense  of the area they took
      upon thernselves  the task of evacuating  wounded soldiers frorn battle
      area to the nearby Cong Hoa general hospital.

                      A  sirnilar developrnent  was recorded in the artillery
      area, which groups  the Co Loa and No Than carnps, that houses the
      Artillery  Cornrnand and the officers of sorne artillery  battalions.
      Unable to penetrate  the strongly defended No Than carnp the enerny
      succeeded in entering the w:akly defended Co Loa Carnp,

                      Although warned of an srnall irnpending attack,the  local
      garrison found itself reBisting a large scale onslaught, The intruders
      struck suddenly  in {orce at the Northwestern  Gate. The carnp was
      saved frorn occupation and destruction  by the speedy reaction of a
      group of gunners who fired their big guns at pointblank range at the
                      Following  this first  unsuccessful  attack,the enerny
      brought in rnore troops frorn Go Vap. These troops carne to the bat-
      tle scene on rnotorcycles. Meanwhile  they pounded the installation
      with rnortar6  and tried their best to penetrate  the officersrquarters
      in an effort to  capture as rnany prisoners  as possible.

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