Page 134 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 134

thus reducing the Viet Cong pressure on the gate. While the exchange
       of {ire was continuing,a U.S. truck arrived,bringing  replacernents  for
       the  sentries at the VIP|s house, The truck  was hit  by a 8,40 rocket,
       It caught fire,causing  the death or wounding  of the Arnericans  of the
       truck,  A11 these developrnents  helped to keep the intruders  frorn
       hreaklng in.
                       It was to be learned later that the assaulting troops belong-
       ed  to the F.100 unit which had the rnission to get into the headquar-
       ters and capture  all the high ranking officers, Coordinated  attacks
       had been planned  on Gate Four  on Vo Di Nguy Street and on Gate Two
       on Vo Tanh Street, Only Gate One was left alone.

                       At Gate Four a group o{ sappers had penetrated the corn-
       pound of the Arrned Forces Language School, But for  sorne unknown
       reasons they were unable to coordinate their attack with those frorn
       the outside. Thus thei.r attack started at 0?00 hours,five hours 1ater.
       At 0705 hours several B.40 rockets were fired at the watchtower  which
       caused it to collapse. A11 the soldiers  standing guard there were
       killed.  An elernent of the Headquarters  Cornpany irnrnediately respon-
       ded to the enerny threat. However  the C ornrnande r of the elernent,
       Major Tran Le Tai, was slightly wounded in the first  minute of the
       fight and ordered his troops to a line of defense about 200 yards frorn
       G ate Four,
                       The enerny could have used another  gate in his attemPt
       to penetrate the Joint General Staff cornpound, but thanks to the inter-
       vention of  the Arnerican  M, P.      rs  at Gate Four,he did not have enough
       troops to deploy in the direction of the other gates. Thus the plan for
       the capture o{ the South Vietnarnese Arrny headquarters  waa con-
       dernned  to failure,

                       On the rnorning of the following day Viet Cong troops
       corning frorn the Xorn Thorn area penetrated  Gate Four but were
       unable to cornrnunicate with other groupsi therefore,they  failed to
       exploit their initial  succeas. Since it was daylight when they broke
       into the JGS cornpound,they  were again put to  a great di.sadvantage.
       Still at that tirne there was only an 8O-rnan  company, rnade up of staff
       troops supported by a handful of tank6 defending  the area. If the enerny
       had known it the situation could have grown serious  since there were
       no reinforcernent available.
                       Outside the cornpound U.S. troops guarding  the VIP's
       residence and sentries at Gate Five continued firing  through  the night.

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