Page 130 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 130

Throughout the second day of the New Year the insur-
        gents stepped up their pre6aure and tried to take over the rnilitary
        prieon in  the vicini.ty. They failed in all  their atternpts ln spite of
        our inability  to bring in orcernents.

                        On the following day a Marine task force carne to the
        re6cue of the besieged garrison. In the wake of quite a few bloody
        engagernent the two battalion task force get the situation under control.
       On the fourth day of the Year of the Monkey the enerny again tried to
       force his way into the artillery  base. At one point he penetrated the
        defense perirneter  but pointblank  cannon fire  again drove hirn back.
       A counterattack  drove hirn frorn the No Than Carnp and restored
       Go.Vap to no rrnalcy.

                        More than one ARVN officer was killed in this battle,
        arnong whorn were Lieutenant Colonel To Ngoc Tho of the FiJth lnfan-
       try  Division  and Captain Tran Manh of the Artillery  C ornrnand. Two
        105rnrn howitzers  were destroyed  during the fight.

       At the radio station

                        The attack on the Saigon Radio Station took place at about
       rnidnight by a group of Viet Cong rnasquerading as riot police elernents.
        The intruders took control of the governrnent building which had been
       under the protection of a squad of riot poli.ce troops.

                        After entering the  building,the  sappers destroyed  rnost
       rnachinery but left  alone the newly-built  witrg where rnost papers  and
       files  .pere stored. Although  occupied  by the enernn Radio Saigon conti-
       nued to broadcast since the transrnission center was located in the
       defense  perirneter  of the Quang-Trung Ttaining Center which was never
       threatened by the enerny
                        By 0500 hours a group of airborne troops were dispatched
       to the sceneand within two hours disloged the intruders. A total of 14
       Viet Cong were killed  and sorne arnrnunition was captured.

                        It was learned i  few days Later that  irnrnediate ly after
       the central radio station was occupied  by the enerny, the political war-
       fare officer at the Qualg-Trung  Tbaining  Center -  only identified as
       Captain Hung -  irnrnediately reported the facts to his cornrnanding
       officer,Colonel  Le Ngoc Trien,and began broadcasting  taped rnusic
       over the air.  The following rnorning listeners of the Voice of Vietnarn
       could still  hear VTVN and sorne shoxt news bulletins as conveyed to

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