Page 135 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 135

Elernents in Long Hoa pagoda returned fire  sporadically.  They appar-
      ently  thought the defense  of headquarters  had been strengthened.

                      At dawn an MP car went out of carnp for a patrol  It was
      able to  travel frorn Gate Nurnber One to Gate Nurnber Five without
      encountering  any enerny fire.  Meanwhile the duty officer at JGS, Major
      Nguyen Dang Chat,received a specific order frorn Major General Tran
      Thanh Phong,the  Chie{ of StaJf,for  the deployrnent of troops for the
      defense of this vital i"nstallation.  However,  Major Nguyen Dang Chat
      was wounded in hi6 atternPt to deploy the forces'

                      At 0900 hours the following rnorning an airborne elernent
      arrived at the headquarter6.  One knew then that the Cornrnunist threat
      had subsiCed. When the shooting started at Gate Nurnber Five,practi-
      cally no one at JGS thougtt it was a Viet Cong attaik.  It was fortunate
      the Cornrnunists did not succeed in penetrating the cornpound at the
      first  try for  such a developrnent  would have consequences irnpossible
      to predict.
                      Meanwhile  during that nrght a two battalion force of Viet
      Cong penetrated  Hoc Mon frorn the north.  At 0300 hours the intruders
      began their attack on Chau Van Tiep carnp after setting fire  to a nearby
      school and village adrninistration o{fice.
                       The sentry, it was later learned,  did not think they were
      Viet Cong but he fired a warning shot into the air. The  Ione shot trig-
      gered a volley o{ bullets frorn the aseailants'  That was the beginning
      of the end for the intruders for  a newly installed rnachinegun  irnrnedi-
      ately spit fire  in their direction. Unable to resist,the  Cornrnunists
      spread along the rnoat line outside the carnp but, un{ortunately  for thern,
      the rnachinegun was set up to fire  in that direction too. A total o{ 40
      Viet Cong di.ed ln that contact while six of thern were caPtured. The
      garrison troops captured ovet 30 weapons of all kinds. The defenders
      casualties were two killed and five wounded.
                       The following rnorning troops of the Quang  rung Train-
      ing   Center undertook to rnop up the neighboring area and the soldiers
      again killed a nurnber of Viet Cong.
                       As a rule each guard post  c onsists of six soldiers but,
      warned by headquarters of an irnpending enerny attack,each post was
      reinforced before rnidnight with three additional  soldiers and amachine-
       gun. These reinforced guard posts caused the Viet Cong defeat but
       probably  another factor was the V.C.  inaccurate assessrnent of our
       force s.

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