Page 137 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 137

section  behind the Inspectorate General of Labor which is usually
       referred to as the Indian Buddha Section.

                       In addition to these aerial attacks in the dark  hours  of
      February  I?,  the enerny also rnounted a ground action to destroy
      the Binh Loi andHighway  bridges,but his troops were repelled                     the
      {o1lowing  day by South Vietnarnese  Marines  dispatched  to  bar  thern
      frorn penetrating the city.  They also launched  an attack  on the  road
       frorn Hoc Mon to Xorn Moi, which was under the tactical responsibility
       of the Second Airborne Task Force and included such irnportant  in                -
       stallations as the Tan Son Nhut AirBase, the Vinatexco Cornpany, the
      Quang Trung Training Center, and others.
                       Throughout  the night the VC Quyet  Thang Battalion,  an
       elernent o{ the Phu Loi" Regirnent,  clashed with the  Eighth Airbori:e
       Battalion in an area northwest of Tan Thoi Hiep. The fighting started
       a little  past rnidnight, beginning with rnany rnortar barrages  and fol-
      lowing with a ground assault that included  B.40 andB  4I fired point-
      blank against the defense perirneter  of the airborne position'

                       lVhile the paratroopers  were success{ully resisting  aI1
       atternpts to overrun their position,  they also discovered sorne VC ar-
       tillery  positions firing in the direction  of  the  Tan Son Nhut Airport

       These positions were a bare 200 yards {rorn  the Airborne  cornrnand
       post and were soon destroyed by airpower  ca1led to attack thern.

                       The Cornrnunists  continued their assault but, with sorne
       arrnored reinforcernents  and flares illurninating the sky"the defenders
       kept thern at bay and were in fu1l control of the situation at dawn. The
       battte resulted in 78 Cornrnunist dead, one taken prisoner, and atrns
       and arnrnunition  captured to include one 60rnrn rnortar tube,two  Czech
       rnachineguns, l3 B.40 and two B,41 individual rocket launchers,  13
       AK.4? autornatic rifles,  one Carbine, one colt, and one subrnachine -
       gun. On the governrnent  side, seven soldiers  were kitled,3  5 wounded
       and an arrnored vehicle darnaged.
                       The following night (19 February), the Cornrnunists
      attacked the area of Phu Larn using two Main Force battalions  in the
      hope of destroying  a governrnent Ranger battalion and continuing  their
      rnarch into the city,  The two enerny battalions were the First  and
      Sixth Battalions, with the first  unit frontally assaulting  the govern-
      ment position while  the second battalion served  as reinforcernents.
      Narn Xuan and Tu Vu, respectively cornrnander  and deputy cornrnand-
      er of one of the battalions,  had been killed in a previous attack on
      the city along with their staff.

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