Page 126 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 126

Thanks to Private First  Class Paul Healey who tookupon
         hirnself the task of leadlng his cornrades  ,  the M. P.         rs  succeeded in
         breaking through. A hand-to-hand fight ensued that resulted  in the eli-
         rnination of all but one of the Viet Cong who sought refuge in a two-
         storied house next to the rnain building. The house was occupied  by
         Colonel (ret.  George Jacobson,a  rnernber of the Ernbassy  staff.
         .               As the Viet Cong took possession of the ground floor of
         the little  house,Colonel- Jacobson was de{enseless upstairs.  Troops in
         the garden directed  their fire  at suspected V.C.  positions.

                         Finally they threw a few tear gas grenades and a pistol
         to Colonel  Jacobson,  who was then in a position to kill  the last Viet
         Cong in the building, This brought  the Battle of the Ernbassy to an end.
                         It took six hours for the U.S. troops to kill  the nineteen
         Viet Cong. Arnerican  Iosses were firre fatalities.

        The Navy Headquarters

                         In the early hours of the second day of the         year   of the
         Monkey, rnore exactly at 0250 hours, a sapper squad group of l2 Viet
         Cong of tir e F/l  Sapper  Unit under the c ornrnand of Bay Lop attacked
         the headquarters of the South Vietnarnese Navy.

                         Equipped with autornatic  ri{1es of the AK farnily,  hand
         grenades,  and explosive,they arrived on the scene clad in civilian
         clothes but wearing the arrnband of the Capital Security Service. They
         reached their assigned target in two civilian cars, one painted green
         and the other painted white and bearing the plate nurnber of ED.6473,

                         knrnediately  on arrival the Cornrnunists  opened fire  on
         soldiers standing guard on the Cuu Long Bridge that stands opposite
         the statue of Tran Hung Dao. The first  Cornrnunist car stopped close
         to the night barricade frorn where the insurgents directed their in-
         tense fire  on the friendly position.
                         Frorn the guard post  two Navyrnen  returned the fire
        with their pistols and the explosions  brought to the scene a group of
         sailors stationed at headquarters as reaerves.  One of the attackers,
         then another,were irnrnediately brought  down as they approached  the
        barric  ade s.

                         But the insurgents continued  their advance frorn the Me-
         Lrnh P|azza. The exchange of fire  grew rnore intense, By about 0305
        hours a patrol car arrived on the scene frorn the direction  of the Thu-

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