Page 117 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 117

frorn their training center at Vung Tau. Arriving in Saigon aboard  Navy on 5 Februaryrthey  irnrnediately  opened  dozens of refugee relief
       centers throughout  the city.  Prior  to sending thern to their new assign-
       rnent,Vice President  Nguyen Cao Ky visited thern on 7 February.

                        A total of 37 refugee centers were established  by the RD
       cadres, Most were located in schools and churches  and catered to an
       estirnated  86,000 refugees. These refugees were located at the Dinh
        Tien Hoang kirnary  School, the Tan Dinh Church, the Vinh Nghiern
       Pagoda,  the Chua Cuu The Church, the Thanh Can Center,  the Labor
       Inspectorate Carnp, the Saint Thornas  Church, the Phat Diern Church,
       the Vuon Chuoi Prirnary School, the headquarters of the Red Cross,
       the Nhi Dong Hospital, the Bac Ha Church, the Hoi Duc Anh Associa-
       tion, the Cho Ray Hospital, the Cha Tarn Church, the Duc Minh
        School, the Giac Ngan Pagoda, the Chan Phuoc Liern School, the Don
        Bosco School, the Bui Phat Center, the Vinh Son Church, the Huyen
        Si Church, the Tu Du Hospital, and rnany privately contributed  sites.

                        Along with the troops all other segrnents  of the South
       Vietnarnese  population  joined in the cornrnon        {ight.  On !  February 1969
       both Houses of Congress rnet in a joint session at Dien Hong Palace
       following the publication  of a five      Point  resolution grouping the signa-
        tures o{ 4l  rnernbers  o{ the Upper House. These points are roughly as

                        (I) Denounce the Viet Cong for taking advantage of the
        truce order to assault the cities of South V ietnarn,br  ing ing about
        death and destructj.on  on an unPrecedented  scale,and  for rnaking use
        of pagodas,  churches, hospitals and school for rnilitary  purposes;
        (2) Request the governrnent to help war victirns and dernand better
        protection  for the people; (3) Welcorne  the effective assistance of
        lilied  troops;  (4) Express their gratitude for  all. those who have con-
        tributed to the defense  oI their fatherland; and (5) Welcorne all efforts
        that rnay result in better unity and stronger solidarity arnong the
        peop).e and the governrnent in their task of self-preservation.

                        The House of Repr e sentative s, too, was to issue a
        sirnilar proclarnation,  giving their support to the fight against  Corn-
                        A few hours aJter the Representatives and the Senators
        rnet,the Viet Cong again launched an attack on the Nguyen Van Qua
        Police Station on Nguyen Tri  Phuong Boulevard. Frorn the corner of

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