Page 114 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 114

Let it  also be said that early that evening, enerny troop6
         also fired at the residence of the U.S, Arnbassador in a different area
          of the sprawling city.  They did it frorn the Mac Dinh Chi cernetery
         which practically borders on the villa  o{ Mr.  Ellsworth Bunker  ,
                          Frorn the above it can be eaid that although enemy acti-
         vity indicated a definite decline,  especially  in the suburban areas'
         his pressure on the confine6 of the FiJth and Sixth Precincts was very
         rnuch in evidence. His troops started what later was called city guer-
          rilla  war by trying to stay as close as possible to the people frorn
         whorn they could extort food and inforrnation and arnong whorn they
         could hlde to reappear again once governrnent soldier-s left for another
                          Because  cornrnunist  pressure was deterrnined  to be most
         intense in zone     rrDrr  its cornrnand  was to be given additional troops.
          These incl"uded  a U. S. rnechanized cornpany to replace the 3oth Ranger
         Battalion assigned  to the Seventh  Precinct,  an Arnerican infantry
          battalion assigned  to Phu Tho Hoa in replacernent of the 33rd Ranger
         Battalion, a battalion of signal atudents narned Battalion  Tran
         Nguyen Han, and a battalion of artillery  students baptised for that occa-
          sion Battalion  An Duong Vuong.

                          On 10 February, the rnilitary cornrnand of zone           rrDrr
          redeployed its troops in the forrn of two task forces. Task Force One
         which included the 33rd and 38th Ranger Battalions, a Ranger recon-
         naissance  cornpany,  an arrnored squadron, and Battalion  Tran Nguyen
         Han was tasked to take control of the Phu Larn area and all areas to
         the northwest.  This unit also had the task of preventing any enerny
          attacks frorn the outside  against the Sixth Precinct.

                          Task Force Two which included the 4I st and 3Oth Ranger
          Battalions and Battalion An Duong Vuong was to take over control
          of the Seventh and Eighth Precincts. It also had the task of protecting
          the rnany depots and industrial installations i.n this irnportant  area.

                          As of 9 February the cornrnand of zone          rrDI  had rnoved
          to the Cay MaiSchool  frorn where it directed aLl operations. Prior
          to launching Operation Tran Hung Dao,a battalion of airborne student
          had been operating in this area but on l0 February thi.s battalion was
          sent to another ar ea.
                          Also participating in operati.on Tran Hung Dao were
          soroe 2,500 Revolutionary  Developrnent  cadre dispatched to Saigon

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