Page 112 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 112

resistance  in the area of Thong Tay Hoi northwest of Co Loa Carnp.
          In this area they killed 60 Cornrnunists, captured 30 enerny weapons
          while suJfering  only ten wounded.

                           C,n 7-8 February, however,  enelny pressure in zone
                was still very rnuch in  evidence. Many squad or company groups
          constantly roarned the Su Van Hanh area, burning a ranger  jeep,and
          killing  and wounding four governrnent  soldiers on Tran Hoang euan
          Street, They also set -fire to a rj.ce depot in Binh Dong which took
          firernen  two hours to extinguish. They set fire  to a paper factory
          at the corner of Hau Giang and Dong Thap Streets. 'Ihere  was a
          period of intense fighting when the 3Oth Ranger Batralion encountered
          a strong enerny force south of the Kinh Doi Canal and the Sixth Ma:.ine
          Battalion carrre across a sirnilar V. C. group in the Rach Chiec area.
          The 38th Ranger Battalion also recorded  a big fight on Minh Phung
          Avenue that resulted  irr five government  soldiers ki1led,  another ten
          wounded,and the loss of an arrnored car,

                          Here follows the story of that irnportant battle  I
                          On 8 February, the 38th Ranger Battalion, began a sweep
          at a Little past noon with the objective of elirninating  the V.C.  intruders
          frorn a relatively  large area. Starting frorn Lo Sieu Street,the  batta-
          lion divided itself into two wings,one under the c ornrnand of its corn-
          rnander only identified as Captain Bang, and the other under the deputy
          c ornrnanding officer,  Lieutenant  Nghenh.
                          Captain Bang led Cornpanies  1 and Z in a sweep  of the
          Luc Tinh Road reaching to the bridge of Phu Larn. Lieutenant  Nghenh
          led the two rernaining cornpanies  in another sweep of the triangle
          delineated  by Boulevard Tran Quoc Toan, Minh Phung Street and
          Road 46. Nghenhts troops were supported  by an arrnored group,  a
          rnarine elernent,  and civil  operations  troops frorn the Political War-
          fare Departrnent.  lt was this second wing which clashed with the enemy
          most feroc iously.

                          At 1330 hours as the Third Cornpany under the cornrnand
          of Lieutenant Chinh arrived at Duy Linh Park, it carne under intense
          enerny fire.  Vlet Cong troops apparently  had captured  a bus with
          which they blocked Minh Phung Street and from where they attacked
          the governrnent unit, But in spite of the iatensity of the enerny fire,
          the elernent of Chinhrs colrlpany  continue,l iis cotlnterattack.

                          Soon over 100 troops were hitting frorn all- dir:ec'ri,ras

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