Page 107 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 107

rifle.  Two well placed rounds irnrnediately resulted  in the death of
       four enerny soldiers at the C ornrnufri st cornrnand post. The event was
       f ollowed by a ground assault  by the Ranger troops who irnrnediately
       killed another three insurgents.
                       Governrnent troops then began a sweep of the area, visi-
       ting and thoroughly  searching each house. In one of these, a rnost rylov-
       irg  spectacle  offered itself to their view : arnidst the thunder o{ war
       and destruction, a Buddhist rnonk was deep in rneditation.  The sol-
       diers withdrew at once, respectful of the religious  leader as they a1-
       ways have been told to be, But the priest turned out to be a fake. He
       drew out a pistol and shot, killing one of the soldiers, He then tried
       to escape. He had hardly rnade three steps when another soldier an-
       grily fired his gun at hirn,killing the fake rnonk and conJiscating his

                       Taking advantage of  the great confusion,the  Viet Cong
       withdrew in the direction of Ba Hat and Su Van Hanh s'.reets leaving
       the area under governrnent control, A fleet of 20 fire  engines was
       imrnediately brought to the scene and by 1700 hours, the fire was extin-
       guished. Three hundred houses  had been burned to the ground. In
       the rneantirne governrnent  soldiers had killed  ten insurgents and cap-
       tured another  two.
                       Faced with such a situation,the  Governrnent  of the Repu-
       blic of Vietnarn (CVN) did its best to keep the population calrn. It also
       issued a series of rrleasures to help stabilize the situation.
                       On the third day of  the Year of the Monkey Pre sident
       Nguyen Van Thieu went on the air  requesting the population to keep
       calrn and help Allied troops in re-establishing  order in the cities.  He
       also declared rr,artial 1aw throughout the land and ternporarlly closed
       down all arnusernent  centers while forbidding all gatherings,

                       That very day, General Cao Van Vien, Chief of the Joint
       General Staff of the Republic  of Vietnarn Arrned Forces issued an
       order of the day to a1.1. his  troops,charging  the Viet Cong with viola-
       ting the truce order they had thernselves  ordered. He also gave the
       people an idea of the rnilitary  situation throughout the Republic  and
       urged the troops to defeat the C ornrnunist plan of offensive at any

                       That rnorning the Cabinet rnet  in a special session
       that resulted in  a speclal condernnation  of the National Liberation

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