Page 108 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 108

Front and a staternent rerninding the people of the rnartial law order
         and an edict re-establishing press censorship and prornising  to take
         all necessary  rrleasures to corne to the help of war victirns.

                         On 3 February 1,968, President  Thieu signed Decree 644/
         SL creating relief  cornrnittee  s in Saigon as rvell as in the provinces
         and  2pp6itrlit-rg Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky Chairrnan  of the Central
         Relief Organization. The following day General Vien again issued an-
         other order of the day citing, before the Arrned Forces, all corps
         areas, divisions,  and such branches  as Airborne, the Ranger,  the
         lr,iarine, the Special Forces,  the Capital Security Group, Regirnents
         42 and 51, the Navy, the Air Force, the Arrnored branch,  and reward-
         ing rnany a good fighter.
                         Following  this,  General Vien also ordered the launching of
         Cperation Tran Hung Dao to dislodge the enerny frorn  Saigon, At that
         tirne the situation in Saigon had rnuch irnproved  but the enerny was
         still  relatively strong, Estirnate :
                         A11 over the operational areas only scattered action was
         recorded  except in Zone      ttDtt,  where besides instances  of fighting near
         the Kieu Cong Muoi Folice Station,the Viet Cong still  rnade their pre-
         sence felt rather acutely in the northwest  part of the Sixth Precinct
         and the  goutheastern    part of the Eighth Precinct.

                         During the night of 4 February enerny elernents took over
         the Binh Tay Alcohol Distillery  installation.  The 4lst  Ranger Battalion
         was irnrnediately dispatched to reoccupy  the installaiion. The Viet
         Cong also harassed the Nguyen Van To Fclice Station and attacked the
         Tran Van ChauPolice  Station in the Eighth Precinct.  Another group of
         enerny soldiers also penetrated the staging area on Ly Thai To street.
                         In the f ighting at Kieu Cong Muoi Police  S tation,govern-
         rnent troops killed six Viet Cong and captured five individual  weapons.
         Police also fought the insurgents on Phan Dinh Phung street, killing
         a nurnber  of thern, capturing two and confiscating  one B.40 rocket
         launcher. In  the Hanh Thong Tay area too,contact  rras established
        with  the enemy. In the security belt around the capital city  U, S.
         troops also reported  clashing with the insurgents  on rnore than one
         occ asion.
                         Of the general situation in Saigon it can be said that by the
         5th of February,  enerrry rnain force units had withdrawn to the out-
         skirts but solrre enerny sapper elernents still. did their best to hide

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