Page 106 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 106

To break the enernyrs grip in this area,the Third and
          Fourth Cornpanles  of the 33rd Ranger were brought in {rorn Binh Chanh
          district.  The Brown Berets did their best to elirninate the infiltrators
          but it took thern eight days to reduce the enerny pressure. By that tirne
          over 100 Viet  Cong had been killed,  eight taken prisoner  and 37 wea-
          pons captured which included two crew-served  weapons.

                          During the night of 4 February srnall groups  of three to
         ten Viet  Cong rnoved along rnany of the alleys that lead frorn Phan
         Dinh Phung Street to the Vuon  Ba Lon area on Nguyen Thien Thuat
          Street. Wherever they went,the  people becarne frightened and did their
          best to get away,

                          Once again the 38th Ranger Battalion was dispatched to
         this area. The Brown Berets irnrnediately  set up their cornrnand post
         atop a five-storied building  on Nguyen Thien Thuat Street. They set
         out to find the enerny, especially in alley Zf3, a 3O-yard large blind
         alley cut by a group of apartrnent  houses facing Phan Thanh Gian and
         Phan Dinh Phung Streets.
                          The rnain V. C. resistance  group had elected to stay in a
         two-storied  house located  af N".  613/23 Nguyen Thien Thuat frorn
         which they harassed the gowernrnent troops. The Brown Berets  irnrne -
         diately reacted intense counterfire frorn taller  buildings in the
         vicinity to support their cornrades in the street. The enerny fire rernain-
          gd  steady until the arrival  of governrnent  reinforcernents  later in the

                          Before assaulting  the enerny position, governrnent troops
          had called on the insurgents to surrender and requested the population
          to  evacuate the area, The Viet  Cong not only refused to stop {ighting
          but also directed their fire at loudspeaker  positions.  Irnrnediately gun-
          ships were called in to dislodge the enerny frorn the Do Huu Vi ancestral
          house in the Vuon Ba Lon area, Viet Cong troops responded  by setting
          fire to quite a few civilian houseg to help thern escape.

                          A big fire  started at two different places spreading frorn
          Phan Dinh Phung Street to Vuon Ba Lon and vice versa. At its very
          start, lire  engine6 had arrived on the scene but they were shot at by
          the Viet Cong who thus prevented the gallant copper-hekneted agents

          frorn their dutiee  -
                          At that very rnornent Police Director General  Nguyen
         Ngoc Loan appeared  aboard a jeep equipped  with a 9Ornrn recoiless

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