Page 111 - The Viet-Cong Tet_Offensive_1968
P. 111

within  the population,  especially  in populous  areas such as Binh Dong,
        Phu Tho, and Go Yap. On the following day they initiated  I8 incidents,
        especially  in outlying areas bordering on the Fifth,  Sixth and Eighth
        Precincts and Zone       rrArr.  Most signif icant of these actions are the
       f o11owing.

                        In zone   rrDrr  the enerny assaulted the Tran Van Chau
        Police Station and the headquarters of the Eighth Precinct, The Viet-
        namese policernen were forced to leave the pollce station but were
        able to  return the following rnorning. An estirnated  200 insurgents
        also rnade their pressure felt in such areas as Road 46, Truong Cong
        Dinh Street,  Road 39, and the Phu Larn area. A ranger unit operating
        in this part of the city sprang rnany successful arnbushes against  the
        intruders. The Rangers  lost in one of these arnbushes, at the corner of
        Tan Da and Binh Dong Streets, six of their cornrades. By early after-
        noon once rnore a fire  broke out,destroying quite a few houses in the
        rectangle delineated by Tran Hoang Quan, Minh Mang and Tran Nhan
        Ton Streets.

                        In zone   rrCrr  enemy troops tried to block the 1l4th Air-
        borne Cornpany at the corner of Tong Doc Phuong and Khong-Tu
        Streets when this unit was dispatched to reinforce the             rrDrr  Cornrnand.
        But the rnost rernarkable  of all battles recorded that day was the one
        that took place at the Xorn Moi area of Go Vap district  where an ele-
        rnent of the Third Airborne Task Force opposed  a Cornrnunist battalion
        less than a rnile northeast of Co Loa Camp.

                        At the start of the battle an arrnored elernent dispatched
        to the Lang Son and Xorn Dua wards was attacked by withering fire
        frorn rnachineguns  and B.40  individual rocket launchers This fire
        resulted in the destruction  of an arrnored vehicle and darnage to an
        M. 41 tank. At that point helicopter gunships were brought in resulting
        in rhe upturn in the rnorale of friendly troops and a sentirnent of despe-
        ration  on the part of the enemy who irnrnediately hoisted a white
                        South Vietnarnese troops irornediately  stopped all offen-
        sive actions, getting ready to welcorne their stray brothers. But the
        Viet Cong did it  sirnply as a tactic to escape the noose around
        their neck which was sirnply too tight to break away. A total of 120
        Viet Cong were killed and 35 of their  weapons captured while the
        governrnent troops recorded  16 dead and 42 wounded. On the following
        day, the airborne troopers continued to rneet with strong Cornmunist

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